Title 201 | Chapter 020 | Regulation 350

201 KAR 20:350.Educational facilities and resources for prelicensure registered nurse and practical nurse programs.

Section 1.

The facilities and resources shall be provided by the governing institution to meet the teaching and learning requirements of students and nurse faculty of the program of nursing.

Section 2.

Physical Facilities.


The facilities shall be designed to meet the outcomes of the program of nursing and to foster administrative and instructional activities.


Space allocated for the program shall be based on the number of students and teaching and learning methods.


The physical facilities shall include:


Classrooms, clinical skills laboratory, and conference rooms essential to fulfill program outcomes and adequate in size for the number of students;


Adequately equipped office space to fulfill the essential functions for administrative personnel, faculty, and clerical staff, including the maintenance of confidentiality of student information;


Storage space for equipment and instructional materials;


A private office for the program administrator; and


Space available for use in private counseling with students.


The program of nursing shall report to the board any major changes in the physical facilities, including new buildings.

Section 3.

Library and Learning Resources.


Instructional material shall be readily available for use in teaching and learning.


The program, through ownership or formal arrangements, shall provide student and nurse faculty with access to an adequate library collection consistent with the program offered. The library collection shall be current and include sufficient titles, references, periodicals, and other material to achieve the outcomes of the curriculum.


The program shall ensure that students and nurse faculty have access to instruction on the use of the library resources.


The use of technology shall enhance student learning and shall be appropriate for meeting the outcomes of the program. Students shall have access to and instruction in the use of the technology.


There shall be sufficient technical support services available to meet the needs of the nurse faculty and the students.


The collection of library resources for the program of nursing shall be allocated on the same basis as the collections for other departments in the governing institution.


All students shall have comparable access to library and learning resources regardless of the student's location.


A system of acquisition and deletion shall exist that ensures currency and appropriateness of library resources.

HISTORY: (11 Ky.R. 1708; eff. 6-4-1985; 34 Ky.R. 350; 715; eff. 10-17-2007; 42 Ky.R. 2429, 2725; eff. 6-3-2016; 45 Ky.R. 1763; eff. 3-13-2019.)

7-Year Expiration: 3/13/2026

Last Updated: 12/15/2021

Page Generated: 2/4/2025, 3:28:47 PM