Title 201 | Chapter 028 | Regulation 010

201 KAR 28:010.Definitions for 201 KAR Chapter 28.

Section 1.



"ACOTE" means the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education.


"Act" means the Kentucky Occupational Therapy Practice Act as established in KRS 319A.010 to 319A.990.


"Adjunctive strategies" means methods or interventions that support and advance a client's occupational therapy performance used as a precursor to enable purposeful activities or occupations.


"Assistive technology" means identification and use of assistive technologies (high and low tech), application of universal design principles, and recommended changes to the environment of activity to support the client's ability to engage in occupations.


"Basic activities of daily living" means tasks or activities that are oriented toward taking care of one's own body; those tasks that are performed daily by an individual that pertain to and support one's self-care, mobility, and communication; and includes the following activities:


Bathing and showering;


Bowel and bladder management;




Swallowing, eating, and feeding;


Functional mobility;


Personal device care;


Personal hygiene and grooming;


Sexual activity;


Sleep and rest; and


Toileting and toilet hygiene.


"Board" is defined by KRS 319A.010(1).


"Components of performance" means activity and occupational demands, client factors, performance skills, context, and environment.


"COTA" means a certified occupational therapy assistant.


"COTA/L means a certified occupational therapy assistant/licensed.


"Functional mobility" means moving from one (1) position or place to another including in-bed mobility, wheelchair mobility, transportation of objects through space, and functional ambulating transfers, driving, and community mobility.


"General supervision" means an interactive process for collaboration on the practice of occupational therapy which includes the review and oversight of all aspects of the services being provided by the individual under supervision.


"Instrumental activities of daily living" means complex tasks or activities that are oriented toward interacting with the environment and are essential to self-maintenance matters which extend beyond personal care, including:


Care of others;


Care of pets;


Child rearing;


Communication management;


Financial management;


Health management and maintenance;


Home establishment, management, and maintenance;


Meal preparation and cleanup;


Safety and emergency maintenance;




Spiritual activities; and


Selection and supervision of caregivers.


"NBCOT" means the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy.


"Occupations" means activities, tasks or roles that individuals engage in which provide intrinsic value and meaning for the individual, society, and culture.


"OT" means occupational therapy.


"OT/L" means as occupational therapist/licensed.


"OTA/L" means an occupational therapist assistant/licensed.


"OTR" means an occupational therapist registered.


"OTR/L" means an occupational therapist registered/licensed.


"Performance abilities" means the utilization of performance skills in the participation of active daily life.


"Performance skills" means the observable actions of a person that have implicit functional purposes, including motor skills, processing skills, interaction skills, and communication skills.


"Restoration" means to restore a performance skill or ability that has been impaired.

HISTORY: (13 Ky.R. 1175; eff. 1-13-1987; 14 Ky.R. 1847; eff. 4-14-1988; 20 Ky.R. 1050; 1852; eff. 2-10-1994; 30 Ky.R. 79; 849; 1205; eff. 10-15-2003; 37 Ky.R. 1005; 1420; eff. 12-15-2010; 1419; 2073; eff. 5-1-2015; Cert eff. 4-15-2022.)

7-Year Expiration: 4/15/2029

Last Updated: 3/24/2025

Page Generated: 2/4/2025, 3:28:47 PM