Title 201 | Chapter 034 | Regulation 060

201 KAR 34:060.Qualifying experience under supervision.

Section 1.



"Direct client contact hours" means hours spent providing art therapy services to a client in an individual, couple, family, or group format.


"Face-to-face supervision" means:


Two (2)-way interactive supervision, simultaneous video and audio, if at least two (2) hours of supervision per month are conducted in person; or


All supervision is conducted in person.


"Group supervision" means the supervision of no more than six (6) supervisees at the same time.


"Individual supervision" means case consultation between the supervisor and the supervisee that is restricted to the supervisee's cases.


"Supervisee" means a licensed professional art therapy associate who works with clients under board-approved supervision.


"Supervision" means the educational process of utilizing a partnership between a supervisor and a supervisee aimed at enhancing the professional development of the supervisee in the practice of professional art therapy.


"Supervisor of record" means a board-approved licensed professional art therapist who meets the requirements established in Section 2 of this administrative regulation.

Section 2.

Board-approved Supervisors.


To be eligible as a board-approved supervisor, a licensed professional art therapist shall have a minimum of four (4) years of licensed experience as a professional art therapist.


The following shall render an applicant ineligible for board-approved supervisor status:


An unresolved citation filed against him or her by a licensing board or similar agency;


A disciplinary action that resulted in the suspension or probation of a license; or


A previous or current dual relationship with a supervisee as established by 201 KAR 34:040.


In order to obtain board-approved supervisor status, an applicant shall:


Submit a Board-Approved Supervisor Application; and


Successfully complete the Board-Approved Supervisor Examination.

Section 3.



The Board-Approved Supervisor Examination shall cover:


Kentucky law governing the practice of art therapy contained in both KRS Chapter 309 and 201 KAR Chapter 34, theories of supervision, ethical issues involved in supervision, and supervisor responsibilities; and


Documentation in a supervision log that includes supervision times as well as the planning and treatment utilized.


To take the examination, an applicant shall submit to the board:


An Application for Examination Continuing Education Credit form; and


Payment of thirty (30) dollars in the form of a check or money order made payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer.


Upon receipt of the application and fee, the board shall send the applicant the exam to complete and return within thirty (30) days of receipt.


The board shall notify the applicant of the examination results and, if a score of eighty (80) percent or above is obtained, the board shall send the applicant a certificate confirming board-approved supervisor status and the receipt of three (3) hours continuing education credit.

Section 4.

Expiration and Grace Period.


Board-approved supervisor status shall expire three (3) years from the date of approval.


To renew, a board-approved supervisor shall follow the steps listed in Section 3(2) through (4) of this administrative regulation. The Board-Approved Supervisor Examination shall be taken within ninety (90) days prior to or following the board-approved supervisor's expiration date.


A board-approved supervisor may continue supervising for ninety (90) days after the expiration date while awaiting approval of a renewal application.


Failure to renew in accordance with this administrative regulation shall result in termination of board-approved supervisor status.

Section 5.

Prohibition. A board-approved supervisor shall not serve as a supervisor of record for more than six (6) licensed professional art therapist associates at the same time.

Section 6.

Reciprocity An applicant for licensure with supervision obtained outside of Kentucky shall demonstrate that his or her out-of-state supervisor has substantially equivalent qualifications at the time of the supervision as those established in this administrative regulation.

Section 7.

Supervisory Agreement.


Prior to beginning supervision, a licensed professional art therapist associate applicant shall submit to the board a Supervisory Agreement with a supervisor of record.


The Supervisory Agreement shall include the following:


The name of the supervisee;


The name and license number of the supervisor of record;


The agency, institution, or organization where the supervised experience will be obtained;


A detailed description of the nature of the practice including:


The type of clients who will be seen;


An accurate assessment of client problems leading to proficiency in applying professionally recognized nomenclature and developing a plan for treatment that meets currently recognized standards in the profession;


The therapies and treatment modalities that will be used including the prospective length of treatment;


Problems that will be treated; and


The nature, duration, and frequency of the supervision, including the:


Number of hours of supervision per week;


Amount of group and individual supervision;


Ethical considerations for the use of internet, social networking, and electronic media for the transmission of case information; and


Number of hours of face-to-face supervision, including how that supervision shall be obtained; and


A statement that the supervisor of record understands that he or she shall be held accountable to the board for the care given to the supervisee's clients.


A copy of the supervisor's current certificate as a board-approved supervisor shall be attached to the Supervisory Agreement.


Changes to that portion of the Supervisory Agreement that describes the nature of the practice and experience that the supervisee is to obtain shall be submitted to the board for approval.


If the supervisee changes his or her supervisor of record, a new Supervisory Agreement shall be submitted to the board for approval.


A supervisee shall submit a completed supervisory agreement for each supervisor of record.

Section 8.

Notice to Client. A licensed professional art therapy associate practicing under a supervisor of record shall notify in writing each client of the associate or by posting a notification that shall include:


The name, office address, telephone number, and license number of the supervisor of record; and


A statement that the supervisee is licensed by the board.

Section 9.

Experience under supervision.


Experience under supervision shall consist of:


On average, at least two (2) meetings and four (4) hours total of face-to-face supervision each month;


Direct responsibility for a specific individual or group of clients; and


Broad exposure and opportunity for skill development with a variety of dysfunctions, diagnoses, acuity levels, and population groups.


For extenuating circumstances beyond the supervisor's or supervisee's control, such as in cases of disability, illness, or undue hardship, the board may, upon written request by the supervisor and supervisee, grant a limited waiver from the monthly meeting and face-to-face supervision requirements of this section.


In extenuating circumstances, if a licensed professional art therapist associate is without supervision, the associate may continue working for up to ninety (90) calendar days under the supervision of a clinical supervisor while a board-approved supervisor is sought and a new supervisory agreement is submitted to the board.


Extenuating circumstances may include situations such as death or serious illness of the board-approved supervisor, a leave of absence by the supervisor, or termination of the supervisor's employment.


The supervisee shall notify the board of these extenuating circumstances within ten (10) days of the occurrence and shall submit, in writing, a plan for resolution of the situation within thirty (30) calendar days of the change in status of board-approved supervision. The written plan shall include:


The name of the temporary supervisor;


Verification of the credential held by the temporary supervisor;


An email address and a postal address for the temporary supervisor and the supervisee; and


A telephone number for the temporary supervisor.

Section 10.

Supervision Requirements.


Supervision shall relate specifically to the qualifying experience and shall focus on:


The accurate assessment of a client problem leading to proficiency in applying professionally recognized clinical nomenclature;


The development and modification of the treatment plan;


The development of treatment skills suitable to each phase of the therapeutic process;


Ethical problems in the practice of art therapy; and


The development and use of the professional self in the therapeutic process.


Supervision shall total a minimum of 100 hours and 1,000 direct client contact hours that shall include individual supervision of no less than one (1) hour for every ten (10) hours of client contact.


A supervisee shall not obtain more than twenty-five (25) hours of the required supervision by group supervision.

Section 11.

Documentation Requirements.


The supervisor of record and licensed professional art therapy associate shall maintain copies of any completed supervision logs, which shall document:


The frequency and type of supervision provided; and


The method of supervision utilized, such as observation, dialogue and discussion, and instructional techniques employed.


Documentation shall distinguish between individual and group supervision.

Section 12.

A licensed professional art therapist engaged in board-approved supervision pursuant to this administrative regulation shall be referred to as "licensed professional art therapist supervisor" and may use the acronym "LPAT-S".

Section 13.

Incorporation by Reference.


The following material is incorporated by reference:


"Supervisory Agreement", March 2021;


"Board-Approved Supervisor Application", March 2021; and


"Application for Examination Continuing Education Credit", March 2021.


This material may be inspected, copied, or obtained, subject to applicable copyright law, at the Department of Professional Licensing, 911 Leawood Drive, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and is available online at pat.ky.gov/Pages/applications.aspx.

HISTORY: (40 Ky.R. 2387; 41 Ky.R. 33; eff. 8-1-2014; 44 Ky.R. 2568; 45 Ky.R. 337; eff. 8-31-2018; TAm eff. 2-11-2021.)

7-Year Expiration: 8/31/2025

Last Updated: 12/15/2021

Page Generated: 2/4/2025, 3:28:47 PM