Title 201 | Chapter 035 | Regulation 020

201 KAR 35:020.Fees.

Section 1.

Application Fees.


The application fee for board review of an application for a licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselor, licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselor associate, licensed alcohol and drug counselor, certified alcohol and drug counselor, certified alcohol and drug counselor associate II, certified alcohol and drug counselor associate I, or registered alcohol and drug peer support specialist, Application, KBADC Form 1, shall be fifty (50) dollars. The application fee for a certified clinical supervisor, Application for Certified Clinical Supervisor, KBADC Form 23, shall be fifty (50) dollars.


The application fee shall be nonrefundable.


An application shall lapse one (1) year from the date it is filed with the board office.


If an approved applicant applies one (1) or more times after the original application lapses, the applicant shall comply with the requirements of this subsection.


The applicant shall successfully complete the examination required by the board within one (1) year from the date the original application is filed.


If the applicant does not successfully complete the examination within the time period required by paragraph (a) of this subsection, the applicant shall update and refile the application prior to sitting for the examination again.

Section 2.

Comprehensive Examination Fees.


An applicant for registration as an alcohol and drug peer support specialist shall pay an examination fee of $150. The fee for retaking the comprehensive examination for registration shall be $150.


An applicant for certification as a certified alcohol and drug counselor, and an applicant for licensed alcohol and drug counselor shall pay an examination fee of $200. The fee for retaking the comprehensive examination for certification shall be $200.


An applicant for licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselor and licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselor associate shall pay an examination fee of $200. The fee for retaking the comprehensive examination for licensure shall be $200.


An applicant for certified clinical supervisor shall pay an examination fee of $200. The fee for retaking the comprehensive examination for licensure shall be $200.

Section 3.

Credentialing Fees.


The registration fee for an alcohol and drug peer support specialist shall be $100.


The fee for a certified alcohol and drug counselor and licensed alcohol and drug counselor shall be $200.


The licensure fee for a licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselor or licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselor associate shall be $300.


The certification fee for a certified clinical supervisor shall be $200.

Section 4.

Renewal Fees and Penalties.



A registration, certificate, or license not renewed within ninety (90) days after the holder's renewal date shall be deemed cancelled in accordance with KRS 309.085(2).


A person holding a cancelled registration shall not use the title "registered alcohol and drug peer support specialist," or hold himself or herself out as a registered alcohol and drug peer support specialist, or engage in the practice of alcohol and drug peer support services.


A person holding a canceled certificate shall not:


Use the title "certified alcohol and drug counselor," hold himself or herself out as a certified alcohol and drug counselor, or engage in the practice of alcohol and drug counseling.


Use the title "temporary certified alcohol and drug counselor," hold himself or herself out as a temporary alcohol and drug counselor, or engage in the practice of alcohol and drug counseling.


Use the title "licensed alcohol and drug counselor", hold himself or herself out as a licensed alcohol and drug counselor, or engage in the practice of alcohol and drug counseling.


Use the title "certified alcohol and drug counselor associate I," or hold himself or herself out as a certified alcohol and drug counselor associate I, or engage in the practice of alcohol and drug counseling.


Use the title "certified alcohol and drug counselor associate II," or hold himself or herself out as a certified alcohol and drug counselor associate II, or engage in the practice of alcohol and drug counseling.


Use the title "certified clinical supervisor", hold himself or herself out as a certified clinical supervisor, or otherwise represent himself or herself as a certified clinical supervisor.


A person holding a canceled license shall not use the title "licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselor," or hold himself or herself out as a licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselor, or engage in the practice of alcohol and drug counseling.


A person holding a canceled license as a licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselor associate shall not use the title "licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselor associate," or hold himself or herself out as a licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselor associate, or engage in the practice of alcohol and drug counseling.


The certified clinical supervisor status of a person holding a canceled certified alcohol and drug counselor, licensed alcohol and drug counselor, or licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselor credential shall be revoked at the time of cancelation of the certified alcohol and drug counselor, licensed alcohol and drug counselor, or licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselor credential.


The fees and penalties established in this subsection shall be paid in connection with registration, certification, or licensure renewals.


The renewal fee for registration as a temporary registered alcohol and drug peer support specialist shall be fifty (50) dollars for a two (2) year period, and shall accompany the Application for Renewal, KBADC Form 16.


The late renewal fee, including penalty, for the ninety (90) day grace period shall be $100 for registration as a temporary registered alcohol and drug peer support specialist for a two (2) year period.


The renewal fee for registration as a registered alcohol and drug peer support specialist shall be $100 for a three (3) year period, and shall accompany the Application for Renewal, KBADC Form 16.


The late renewal fee, including penalty, for the ninety (90) day grace period shall be $150 for registration as a registered alcohol and drug peer support specialist for a three (3) year period.


The renewal fee for certification as a certified alcohol and drug counselor associate I, a certified alcohol and drug counselor associate II, or a temporary certified alcohol and drug counselor shall be $100 for a two (2) year period, and shall accompany the Application for Renewal, KBADC Form 16.


The late renewal fee, including penalty, for the ninety (90) day grace period shall be $150 for certification as a certified alcohol and drug counselor associate I, a certified alcohol and drug counselor associate II, or a temporary certified alcohol and drug counselor for a two (2) year period.


The renewal fee for certification as a certified alcohol and drug counselor shall be $200 for a three (3) year period, and shall accompany the Application for Renewal, KBADC Form 16.


The late renewal fee, including penalty, for the ninety (90) day grace period shall be $250 for certification as a certified alcohol and drug counselor for a three (3) year period.


The renewal fee for licensure as a licensed alcohol and drug counselor shall be $200 for a three (3) year period, and shall accompany the Application for Renewal, KBADC Form 16.


The late renewal fee, including penalty, for the ninety (90) day grace period shall be $250 for licensure as a licensed alcohol and drug counselor for a three (3) year period.


The renewal fee for a licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselor, and a licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselor associate shall be $300 for a three (3) year period, and shall accompany the Application for Renewal, KBADC Form 16.


The late renewal fee for the ninety (90) day grace period, as well as licensure for a three (3) year period, shall be a:


$300 fee; and


Penalty fee of fifty (50) dollars.


The renewal fee for certification as a certified clinical supervisor shall be $200 for a three (3) year period, and shall accompany the Application for Renewal, KBADC Form 16.


The late renewal fee, including penalty, for the ninety (90) day grace period shall be $250 for certification as a certified clinical supervisor for a three (3) year period.

Section 5.

Reinstatement of a Canceled Registration, Certificate, or Licensure.


A canceled registration may be reinstated within one (1) year of the anniversary date of issue of renewal by:


Submitting a completed Application for Reinstatement, KBADC Form 17;


Proof of completion of continuing education in accordance with 201 KAR 35:040; and


Payment of a $200 reinstatement fee for registration for a three (3) year period.


A canceled credential of a licensed alcohol and drug counselor, certified alcohol and drug counselor, certified alcohol and drug counselor associate II, and certified alcohol and drug counselor associate I may be reinstated within one (1) year of the anniversary date of issue of renewal by:


Submitting a completed Application for Reinstatement, KBADC Form 17;


Proof of completion of continuing education in accordance with 201 KAR 35:040; and


Payment of a $300 reinstatement fee, for certification for a three (3) year period.


A canceled license may be reinstated within one (1) year of the anniversary date of issue of renewal by:


Submitting a completed Application for Reinstatement, KBADC Form 17;


Proof of completion of continuing education in accordance with 201 KAR 35:040; and


Payment for licensure for a three (3) year period, which shall be a:


$300 fee; and


Penalty fee of $100.


A canceled credential of a certified clinical supervisor may be reinstated within one (1) year of the anniversary date of issue of renewal by:


Submitting a completed Application for Reinstatement, KBADC Form 17;


Proof of completion of continuing education in accordance with 201 KAR 35:040; and


Payment of a $100 reinstatement fee, for certification for a three (3) year period.

Section 6.

Duplicate Credential fee. The fee for a duplicate credential shall be twenty (20) dollars.

Section 7.

Inactive Status Fees.


The enrollment fee for voluntarily placing a registration, certificate, or license in inactive status in accordance with 201 KAR 35:080 shall be fifty (50) dollars.


The annual renewal fee for a registration, certificate, or license enrolled in inactive status shall be twenty-five (25) dollars based on the renewal date.



The fee for reactivation of a registration shall be $100 for a three (3) year period commencing on the date the board approves the written request for reactivation, as required by 201 KAR 35:080, Section 4.


The fee for reactivation of a registration as a temporary registered alcohol and drug peer support specialist, certificate as a temporary certified alcohol and drug counselor, certificate as a certified alcohol and drug counselor associate I, and certificate as a certified alcohol and drug counselor associate II shall be fifty (50) dollars for a two (2) year period commencing on the date the board approves the written request for reactivation.


The fee for reactivation of a certificate as a licensed alcohol and drug counselor or certified alcohol and drug counselor shall be $200 for a three (3) year period commencing on the date the board approves the written request for reactivation.


The fee for reactivation of a license shall be $300 for a three (3) year period commencing on the date the board approves the written request for reactivation.


The fee for reactivation of a certificate as a certified clinical supervisor that was held at the time the primary credential went into inactive or retired status shall be included in the fee for reactivation of the primary credential.

Section 8.

Continuing Education Fees.


For purposes of this administrative regulation, a continuing education sponsor shall be an individual or entity that provides a program of continuing education to credential holders that has been reviewed and approved by the board to meet the continuing education requirements set forth in 201 KAR 35:040.


Approvals may consist of a single workshop or a program of courses and shall be effective for one (1) year from the date of approval.


The fee for approval of an application for a single program provider shall be fifty (50) dollars.


The fee for approval of an application for a continuing education sponsor providing a program of courses shall be $250.


Continuing education sponsors who have received approval for their program of courses may apply for renewal of the approval in accordance with 201 KAR 35:040 and shall pay an annual renewal fee of $150.



The fee for review of an application for a substantial change in curriculum of an approved program shall be fifty (50) dollars.


A substantial change shall be considered as the addition of a workshop or course to a pre-approved program, or changes to the content of a pre-approved workshop or program which is in excess of twenty (20) percent.

Section 9.

Incorporation by Reference.


The following material is incorporated by reference:


"KBADC Form 1, Application", June 2021;


"KBADC Form 16, Application for Renewal", March 2021;


"KBADC Form 17, Application for Reinstatement", March 2021; and


"KBADC Form 23, Application for Certified Clinical Supervisor", June 2021.


This material may be inspected, copied, or obtained, subject to applicable copyright law, at the Kentucky Board of Alcohol and Drug Counselors, 500 Mero St, 2 SC 32, Frankfort, Kentucky, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The board's Web site address is: https://adc.ky.gov.

HISTORY: (23 Ky.R. 3456; Am. 3752; eff. 4-16-1997; 27 Ky.R. 2556; eff. 6-8-2001; 35 Ky.R. 318; 783; eff. 10-15-2008; 42 Ky.R. 1303; 2035; eff. 2-5-2016; 43 Ky.R. 1243, 1743; eff. 5-5-2017; 47 Ky.R. 2073; 48 Ky.R. 64, 335; eff. 8-26-2021.)

7-Year Expiration: 8/26/2028

Last Updated: 3/5/2025

Page Generated: 2/4/2025, 3:28:47 PM