Title 301 | Chapter 001 | Regulation 031

301 KAR 1:031.Land Between the Lakes provisions.

Section 1.

Fishing shall be permitted in Land Between the Lakes in accordance with the following requirements:


Energy Lake.


Fishing from a boat or the bank shall be permitted year-round except in the waterfowl refuge area.


The waterfowl refuge area shall be the western one-third (1/3) of the lake and it shall be open to fishing from March 16 through October 31.


Honker Lake.


Fishing from a boat or the bank shall be permitted from March 16 through October 31.


Fishing shall be permitted year-round in the portion of Honker Lake which extends from near the end, as indicated by signs, of the Long Creek Walk handicap trail to the base of the Hematite Lake spillway.


Hematite Lake.


Fishing from a boat or the bank shall be permitted from March 16 through October 31.


Gas-powered motors shall not be permitted.


Farm ponds. Farm ponds shall be open to fishing year-round unless posted.


Lake Barkley and Kentucky Lake.


Fishing shall be open year-round unless posted.


Bank fishing and frogging from the shoreline shall be permitted except in areas that are posted as closed for waterfowl refuges and other special uses.


Frogging shall be by gigging only.

Section 2.

Frogs may be taken in farm ponds and Energy and Honker Lakes by gigs only from May 15 through May 31. Hematite Lake and other areas as posted shall be closed to frogging.

Section 3.


Boats shall operate at "no wake" speed on Energy and Honker Lakes.


A federal permit shall not be required for fishing or frogging.


All administrative regulations pertaining to fishing and limits shall apply.

HISTORY: (KFWR-F-TVA-1-1; 1 Ky.R. 346; eff. 2-5-75; Am. 13 Ky.R. 2031; eff. 7-2-87; 33 Ky.R. 514; 1075; eff. 10-11-2006; 48 Ky.R. 120, 1121; eff. 11-17-2021.)

7-Year Expiration: 11/17/2028

Last Updated: 2/24/2025

Page Generated: 2/4/2025, 3:28:47 PM