Title 301 | Chapter 001 | Regulation 152

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Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources

301 KAR 1:152.Harvest and sale of invasiveAsian carp.

Section 1.

Invasive Carp and Scaled Rough Fish Harvest Program.


To participate in the program, a commercial fisher shall:


Contact the department and request to be included in the program;


Possess a valid Kentucky commercial fishing license;


Contact the department at 270-226-4192 and provide the information established in subparagraphs 1. through 5. of this paragraph prior to fishing:


The participant's name;


The fish buyer's name;


Date fishing is to occur;


Restricted water body to be fished; and


Ramp, marina, or dock where boat(s) will be launched;


Harvest a weight ratio of at least sixty-five (65) percent invasive carp to thirty-five (35) percent scaled rough fish over a one (1) month period, except that a commercial fisher whose license fee has been waived as established in subsection (2)(c) of this section shall only harvest invasive carp and not retain any scaled rough fish or by-catch;


Only fish on dates and at locations provided to the department;


Notify the department prior to changing any information as established in subsection (1)(c)2. through 5. of this section;


Only use gill or trammel nets:


With a minimum bar mesh of three (3) inches;


That are always tended by a program participant when set less than three (3) feet below the surface of the water;


That are not left unattended by a program participant for more than six (6) hours when set at least three (3) feet below the surface of the water from April 1 through September 20; and


That are not left unattended by a program participant for more than eight (8) hours when set at least three (3) feet below the surface of the water from October 1 through March 31;


Visibly mark each end of net sets or gangs of nets with floating buoys;


Harvest, possess, and transport fish claimed under this program separately than fish harvested by any other method;


Complete a Daily Harvest and Release Summary Card after each day's fishing and submit all cards to the department at the end of each month;


Be allowed to sell all harvested invasive carp and scaled rough fish as established in subsection (1) of this section;


Immediately release all by-catch; and


Report all harvest on a Monthly Report of Commercial Fish Harvest in Kentucky, as established in 301 KAR 1:155.


The department shall:


Maintain a list of program participants and their contact information, which shall be:


Provided to known fish buyers; and


Updated at least weekly;


Maintain a list of all restricted water fishing requests as established in subsection (1) of this section; and


Waive the commercial fishing license fees, as established in 301 KAR 5:022, for a program participant who only harvests invasive carp in restricted or unrestricted waters.


The department shall not approve a fishing request if:


Higher than normal by-catch is likely to occur at that location and time; or


Excessive user conflicts would occur.

Section 2.

Experimental Commercial Fishing Methods Program.


The following waterbodies, including restricted waters shall be open to experimentation to target invasive carp under this program upon department approval:


Cumberland River downstream of Lake Barkley;


Tennessee River downstream of Kentucky Lake;


Green River from 200 yards downstream of Green River Lock and Dam 4 to the confluence with the Ohio River;


Kentucky Lake;


Lake Barkley;


Mississippi River from the mouth of the Ohio River downstream to the Kentucky-Tennessee state line; and


Ohio River downstream of Newburg Lock and Dam.


The commercial fishing gear tag requirements as established in 301 KAR 1:146 shall be waived when department personnel are present during experimentation.


The commercial fishing gear tag requirements as established in 301 KAR 1:146 must be followed when department personnel are not present during experimentation.


Any commercial gear not conforming to those established in 301 KAR 1:146 shall be reviewed by the department for commercial gear tagging feasibility and need.


Any live fish holding net left overnight on the water shall have a commercial fishing gear tag attached and be marked with equipment issued by the department.


Tier I requirements.


A commercial fisher shall apply for Tier I of the program by submitting a completed Application for Experimental Commercial Fishing Methods Program Permit provided by the department.


Participation in Tier I of the program shall be limited to three (3) program participants at any one time.


In addition to meeting the qualification requirements established in paragraph (e) of this subsection, selection of the top three (3) applicants shall be based on the scoring criteria established in subparagraphs 1. through 4. of this paragraph:


The fisher's experience as a commercial fisher as well as the fisher's experience fishing for invasive carp;


The years of experience the fisher has with the gear and methods proposed and the past results of using the proposed gear and/or methods;


The status of the fisher's gear, including if:


They currently possess all the gear required for their proposed method;


They do not currently possess all the gear, but they attest they will possess such gear prior to their admission in the program; or


They have access to the gear; and


How their proposal shall help the department to achieve its mission of reducing the number of invasive carp in Kentucky waters.


If at any time the number of program participants falls below three (3), all applications submitted prior to the vacancy will be reviewed as established in paragraph (c) of this subsection for selection of a new program participant.


To qualify for Tier I of the program, a commercial fisher shall:


Have a minimum of three years commercial fishing experience with at least two years holding a valid commercial fishing license;


Have a boat and motor(s) which meets the following requirements:


Minimum boat length of twenty-two (22) feet, and space for essential crew and one (1) department-appointed observer, along with storage capacity for harvested fish;


Outboard motor with a minimum of seventy-five (75) horsepower;


Required safety equipment and personal flotation devices (PFD);


Fishing electronics, including traditional and side-imaging sonar, and water temperature; and


Valid boat registration;


Have a towing vehicle capable of boat transportation to and from designated removal sites and hauling of harvests for sale or disposal;


Have the necessary Kentucky Department of Transportation identification permits, insurance cards, and federal transportation tags for commercial transport of fish, and


Allow a department staff member to be present for all commercial fishing methods experimentation.


A Tier I participant shall:


Fish under a paid commercial license that allows the harvest and sale of rough fish other than invasive carp;


Possess a valid Experimental Commercial Fishing Methods Program Permit;


Be present for all commercial fishing methods experimentation;


Coordinate with the department to request a fishing date and location at least five (5) days in advance of fishing;


Allow department staff onboard vessels to observe and record fish harvesting efforts;


Cease any experimentation considered by the department to:


Be unsafe;


Interfere with other recreational users;


Be detrimental to non-target species; or


Be unsuccessful for significant invasive carp harvest;


Be responsible for the removal and lawful disposal of all invasive carp species caught from waters during fishing efforts;


Indicate on sales receipts that fish were harvested by an experimental gear/method authorized under this program and identify the permit holder;


Be eligible for the department's Kentucky and Barkley Lake Invasive Carp Subsidy Program;


Submit itemized invoices, by date, to the department each month, including pounds harvested of each species;


Complete a Daily Harvest and Release Summary Card after each day's fishing and submit all cards to the department at the end of each month;


Report all harvest on a Monthly Report of Commercial Fish Harvest in Kentucky, as established in 301 KAR 1:155; and


Meet with department personnel quarterly to review the actions taken under this program.


Tier II requirements.


A commercial fisher shall apply for Tier II of the program by submitting a completed Application for Experimental Commercial Fishing Methods Program Permit provided by the department.


Along with meeting the requirements established in subsection (6)(e)1. through 5. of this section, Tier II applicants must also meet the requirements established in subparagraphs 1. through 6. of this paragraph:


Shown proficiency in use of the experimental gear/method by either:


Participating for at least six (6) months in Tier I of the program, with gear/method fished a minimum of twenty (20) times; or


Previously utilizing experimental gear/method through a department Memorandum of Agreement and have been released from department observation of experimental fishing activities;


Maintained satisfactory communication with department staff during Tier I activities;


Harvested at least 200,000 pounds of invasive carps through Tier I of the program within the previous year;


Harvested a weight ratio of at least eighty (80) percent invasive carp to twenty (20) percent scaled rough fish over the most recent ten (10) fishing days under Tier I of the program;


By-catch, in the form of sportfish, must have represented five (5) percent or less by number of the fish caught, based upon the Department observer's visual estimate, over the most recent ten (10) fishing days under Tier I of the program; and


By-catch must have been in a condition where survival could be expected upon release.


A Tier II participant shall:


Follow the requirements established in subsection (6)(f) of this dection, except requests for a fishing date and location shall be made at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of fishing;


Harvest a weight ratio of at least eighty (80) percent invasive carp to twenty (20) percent scaled rough fish over each one (1) month period;


By-catch, in the form of sportfish, must be maintained at five (5) percent or less by number of the fish caught, based upon the fisher's or a department observer's visual estimate; and


Keep daily records and report the following to department staff on a monthly basis:


Pounds of fish harvested by species;


Number of personnel assisting with the effort;


Names of licensed commercial fishers that fish were transferred to for the purpose of transport and sale (if any);


Name of processor or fish market receiving fish;


Number of hours experimental gear was fished;


Number of times gear was deployed; and


Other pertinent information associated with the gear (mesh size, gear depth, gear length, approximate depth of water gear was used in).Definitions.


"Asian carp" means:


Bighead carp;


Black carp;


Grass carp; or


Silver carp.


"By-catch" means any fish that is not an Asian carp or scaled rough fish.


"Program" means Asian Carp and Scaled Rough Fish Harvest Program.


"Program participant" means a commercial fisherman who is:


Enrolled in the Asian Carp and Scaled Rough Fish Harvest Program; and


Fishing in restricted water.


"Restricted water" means those areas, as established in 301 KAR 1:140, 1:146, 1:150, and 1:155, where:


Commercial fishing is prohibited;


Commercial fishing with gill or trammel nets is prohibited; or


Commercial fishing with gill or trammel nets of restricted net mesh size is prohibited.


"Scaled rough fish" means any scaled fish that is not an Asian carp, sport fish as established in 301 KAR 1:060, roe bearing fish, or a species ineligible for commercial harvest as established in 301 KAR 1:155.


"Unlicensed helper" means a person without a commercial fishing license who is assisting a program participant.

Section 2.

Program Participant Qualifications. A commercial fisherman shall:


Contact the department and request to be included in the program; and


Possess a valid Kentucky commercial fishing license.

Section 3.

Program Participant Requirements. A program participant shall:


Call the department at 270-226-4192 at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the requested fishing date and provide the information established in paragraphs (a) through (f) of this subsection:


The participant's name;


The fish buyer's name;


Date requested;


Restricted water body to be fished;


The location in the restricted water body to be fished, listed as river miles or embayment; and


The name or location of the boat ramp that will be used;


Harvest a weight ratio of at least sixty-five (65) percent Asian carp to thirty-five (35) percent scaled rough fish over a one (1) month period, except that a commercial fisherman whose license fee has been waived as established in Section 4 of this administrative regulation shall only harvest Asian carp and not retain any scaled rough fish or by-catch;


Only fish:


On dates approved by the department; and


At a location approved by the department;


Notify the department and receive approval prior to changing the:


Fishing location in the restricted water body; or


Boat ramp being used;


Only use gill or trammel nets:


With a minimum bar mesh size of three (3) inches;


That are always tended by a program participant when set less than three (3) feet below the surface of the water;


That are not left unattended by a program participant for more than six (6) hours when set at least three (3) feet below the surface of the water from April 1 through September 30; and


That are not left unattended by a program participant for more than eight (8) hours when set at least three (3) feet below the surface of the water from October 1 through March 31;


Visibly mark each end of net sets or gangs of nets with floating buoys;


Harvest, possess, and transport fish claimed under this program separately than fish harvested by any other method;


Complete a Daily Harvest and Release Summary Card after each day's fishing and submit all cards to the department at the end of each month;


Be allowed to sell all harvested Asian carp and scaled rough fish as established in Section 2 and 3 of this administrative regulation;


Immediately release all by-catch; and


Report all harvest on a Monthly Report of Commercial Fish Harvest form, as established in 301 KAR 1:155.

Section 4.

Commercial Fishing License Fee Waiver. The commercial fishing license fees, as established in 301 KAR 3:022, shall be waived for a program participant who only harvests Asian carp in restricted or unrestricted waters.

Section 5.

Department Program Requirements.


The department shall:


Maintain a list of program participants and their contact information, which shall be:


Provided to known fish buyers; and


Updated at least weekly; and


Review all restricted water fishing requests as established in Section 3 of this administrative regulation.


The department shall approve a qualified fishing request by assigning a fishing location and boat ramp to a program participant.


The department shall not approve a fishing request for reasons established in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subsection:


Higher than normal by-catch is likely to occur at that location and time; or


Excessive user conflicts would occur.

Section 3.Section 6.

Unlicensed Helpers.


A program participant in the Invasive Carp and Scaled Rough Fish Harvest Program shall not utilize more than two (2) unlicensed helpers while actively fishing.


A participant in Tier I or Tier II of the Experimental Commercial Fishing Methods Program may use more than two (2) unlicensed helpers while actively fishing but must follow the reporting requirements as established in Section 2(7)(b)4.b. of this administrative regulation.


A participant in either program participant shall ensure that an unlicensed helper complies with all boating safety requirements established in KRS Chapter 235.


An unlicensed helper in either program shall:


Be accompanied by a licensed program participant while using commercial fishing gear; and


Be permitted to transport invasiveAsian carp in the absence of a program participant with a Fish Transportation Permit as established in 301 KAR 1:125.


A program participant whose commercial fishing license has been suspended or revoked in Kentucky or in another state shall not:


Be listed as a helper by a licensed Kentucky commercial fisherman or another program participant in either program; or


Assist a licensed Kentucky commercial fisherman or anotherprogram participant in either program in harvesting or transporting fish.

Section 4.Section 7.

Program Suspension, Revocation, and Disqualification.


A program participant in either program whose commercial fishing license becomes revoked or suspended as established in 301 KAR 1:155 shall be disqualified from participating in those programsthe Asian Carp and Scaled Rough Fish Harvest Program while that license is revoked or suspended.


A participant in the Invasive Carp and Scaled Rough Fish Harvest Program participant shall be suspended from the program:


For a three (3) month period beginning on the first day of the next month if the minimum requirements established in Section 1(1)(d)3(2) are not met; and


For a period of one (1) year beginning on the first day of the next month if the requirements are not met a second time.


A participant in Tier I of the Experimental Commercial Fishing Methods Program shall be suspended from the program:


For a three (3) month period beginning on the first day of the next month if the minimum requirements established in Section 2(6)(f) are not met; and


For a period of one (1) year beginning on the first day of the next month if the requirements are not met a second time.


A participant in Tier II of the Experimental Commercial Fishing Methods Program shall be suspended from the program:


For a three (3) month period beginning on the first day of the next month if the minimum requirements established in Section 2(7)(c) are not met; and


For a period of one (1) year beginning on the first day of the next month if the requirements are not met a second time.


Falsification of any information listed in an application shall result in disqualification from consideration for selection and revocation of any experimental methods permit that may have been issued to the applicant.


Any participant who is disqualified, revoked, or suspended from participation in eitherthe program may appeal the decision in accordance with KRS Chapter 13B.


To appeal the disqualification, revocation, or suspension, the participant shall provide a written request for a KRS Chapter 13B hearing, postmarked or delivered in person to the department no later than thirty (30) days after notification of the disqualification or suspension.

Section 5.Section 8.

Non-commercial InvasiveAsian Carp Harvest and Sale. Any person possessing a valid Kentucky sport fishing license:


May harvest invasiveAsian carp using legal fishing methods as established in 301 KAR 1:201; and


May sell harvested invasiveAsian carp.

Section 6.Section 9.

Incorporation by Reference.


The following material is incorporated by reference:


"Daily Harvest and Release Summary Card", 2011 Edition; and, is incorporated by reference.


"Application for Experimental Commercial Fishing Methods Program Permit", 2024 Edition.


This material may be inspected, copied, or obtained, subject to applicable copyright law, at the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, #1 Sportsman's Lane, Frankfort, Kentucky, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or may be obtained at https://fw.ky.gov/Fish/Pages/Commercial-Fishing.aspx.

RICH STORM, Commissioner
APPROVED BY AGENCY: April 12, 2024
FILED WITH LRC: April 15, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.
PUBLIC HEARING AND COMMENT PERIOD: A public hearing on this administrative regulation shall be held on June 26, 2024, at 10:00 a.m., at KDFWR Administration Building, 1 Sportsman’s Lane, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601. Individuals interested in being heard at this hearing shall notify this agency in writing by five workdays prior to the hearing, of their intent to attend. If no notification of intent to attend the hearing was received by that date, the hearing may be cancelled. A transcript of the public hearing will not be made unless a written request for a transcript is made. If you do not wish to be heard at the public hearing, you may submit written comments on the proposed administrative regulation. Written comments shall be accepted through June 30, 2024. Send written notification of intent to be heard at the public hearing or written comments on the proposed administrative regulation to the contact person.
CONTACT PERSON: Jenny Gilbert, Legislative Liaison, Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, 1 Sportsman’s Lane, phone (502) 564-3400, fax (502) 564-0506, email fwpubliccomments@ky.gov.

Contact Person:
Jenny Gilbert
(1) Provide a brief summary of:
(a) What this administrative regulation does:
This administrative regulation establishes the requirements for the Invasive Carp and Scaled Rough Fish Harvest Program and Experimental Commercial Fishing Methods Program.
(b) The necessity of this administrative regulation:
The regulation is necessary to provide two important mechanisms for the removal of invasive carp from waters critical to sport fishing and recreational boating.
(c) How this administrative regulation conforms to the content of the authorizing statutes:
KRS 150.025(1) authorizes the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources to promulgate administrative regulations to establish seasons for the taking of fish and wildlife, to regulate creel limits and methods of take, to regulate the buying, selling, or transporting of fish and wildlife, and to make these requirements apply to a limited area.
(d) How this administrative regulation currently assists or will assist in the effective administration of the statutes:
This administrative regulation will assist the purpose of the statute by establishing processes for nuisance fish removal from waters of the Commonwealth.
(2) If this is an amendment to an existing administrative regulation, provide a brief summary of:
(a) How the amendment will change this existing administrative regulation:
This amendment adds the eligibility and participation requirements for the new voluntary Experimental Commercial Fishing Methods Program. This program allows commercial fishers to use special commercial fishing gear and methods to further the goal of invasive carp harvest in mass quantities. This amendment also removes the definitions section due to the creation of 301 KAR 1:001. Definitions for 301 KAR Chapter 1. Finally, this amendment changes all references to "Asian carp" to "invasive carp".
(b) The necessity of the amendment to this administrative regulation:
This amendment is necessary to create the guidelines for the Experimental Commercial Fishing Methods Program which will allow for increased harvest of invasive carp.
(c) How the amendment conforms to the content of the authorizing statutes:
See 1(c) above. (d) How this administrative regulation currently assists or will assist in the effective administration of the statutes: See 1(d) above.
(d) How the amendment will assist in the effective administration of the statutes:
(3) List the type and number of individuals, businesses, organizations, or state and local governments affected by this administrative regulation:
This regulation will affect all commercial fishers who wish to use experimental gears and methods to harvest invasive carp. Additionally, this regulation may positively affect all recreational anglers and boaters in the Mississippi and Ohio rivers, their tributaries, and in Kentucky and Barkley lakes.
(4) Provide an analysis of how the entities identified in question (3) will be impacted by either the implementation of this administrative regulation, if new, or by the change, if it is an amendment, including:
(a) List the actions that each of the regulated entities identified in question (3) will have to take to comply with this administrative regulation or amendment:
Program participants will need to follow those regulation amendments provided in question (2)(a) above as well as purchase the appropriate Experimental Commercial Fishing Methods Program permit.
(b) In complying with this administrative regulation or amendment, how much will it cost each of the entities identified in question (3):
The cost to commercial fishers participating in the Experimental Commercial Fishing Methods Program will depend on which permit they purchase. Resident permits cost $800 for Tier I and $1,600 for Tier II. Non-resident permits cost $1,200 for Tier I and $2,400 for Tier II.
(c) As a result of compliance, what benefits will accrue to the entities identified in question (3):
Commercial fishers participating in the Experimental Commercial Fishing Methods Program will be allowed to use fishing gears/methods not traditionally allowed for commercial fishing and potentially allow the license holder to catch and sell more invasive carp.
(5) Provide an estimate of how much it will cost the administrative body to implement this administrative regulation:
(a) Initially:
There will be minimal cost to the department to implement this administrative regulation initially.
(b) On a continuing basis:
There will be minimal cost to the department on a continuing basis.
(6) What is the source of the funding to be used for the implementation and enforcement of this administrative regulation:
The source of funding is the Invasive Carp Federal Funds and the State Game and Fish Fund.
(7) Provide an assessment of whether an increase in fees or funding will be necessary to implement this administrative regulation, if new, or by the change if it is an amendment:
There will be no need for fee increases at the state level.
(8) State whether or not this administrative regulation establishes any fees or directly or indirectly increases any fees:
The only fee established is the cost to purchase the appropriate Experimental Commercial Fishing Methods Program permit to participate in the program.
(9) TIERING: Is tiering applied?
No. All commercial fishers participating in this program will need to follow the same regulations and purchase the appropriate permit.

(1) Identify each state statute, federal statute, or federal regulation that requires or authorizes the action taken by the administrative regulation.
KRS 150.025(1) authorizes the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources to promulgate administrative regulations to establish seasons for the taking of fish and wildlife, to regulate creel limits and methods of take, to regulate the buying, selling, or transporting of fish and wildlife, and to make these requirements apply to a limited area.
(2) Identify the promulgating agency and any other affected state units, parts, or divisions:
The Department’s Fisheries Division and Law Enforcement Division will be impacted by this amendment.
(a) Estimate the following for the first year:
There will be a minimal cost for KDFWR to administer this program in the first year.
There will be minimal revenue in the first year. Tier I of the program is capped at three participants and Tier II participants will be three or below. Revenue to the department will be limited to the cost of the permits purchased.
Cost Savings:
This amendment will not generate any cost savings in the first year but will potentially allow commercial fishers to harvest more invasive carp and generate more revenue for themselves.
(b) How will expenditures, revenues, or cost savings differ in subsequent years?
This amendment will not generate any cost savings in subsequent years but will potentially allow commercial fishers to harvest more invasive carp and generate more revenue for themselves. Any increase in revenue for the department will be limited to an increase in Tier II participants and the funds generated by their purchase of a permit.
(3) Identify affected local entities (for example: cities, counties, fire departments, school districts):
(a) Estimate the following for the first year:
The cost for regulated entities in the first year will depend on which permit they are purchasing.
This regulation will not directly generate revenue for state or local government in the first year, but local economies could be positively impacted through removal of invasive carp species.
Cost Savings:
There will be no cost savings generated from this amendment, but it will potentially allow commercial fishers to harvest more invasive carp and generate more revenue for themselves.
(b) How will expenditures, revenues, or cost savings differ in subsequent years?
This regulation will not directly generate revenue for state or local government in subsequent years, but local economies could be positively impacted through removal of invasive carp species.
(4) Identify additional regulated entities not listed in questions (2) or (3):
(a) Estimate the following for the first year:
Cost Savings:
(b) How will expenditures, revenues, or cost savings differ in subsequent years?
(5) Provide a narrative to explain the:
(a) Fiscal impact of this administrative regulation:
There will be a minor cost to commercial fishers associated with the purchasing of a permit. However, the permit will allow commercial fishers to use gear and methods that could increase their revenue far beyond the cost of the permit. There will be no cost to other entities, but reduction of invasive carp in affected waters could increase tourism and associated revenues.
(b) Methodology and resources used to determine the fiscal impact:
Experimental gears and methods have the ability to increase commercial fishers’ catch of invasive carp. This will increase their revenue from sale of their harvested fish. In addition, increased harvest will result in decreased adverse impacts from these invasive fish and could increase tourism dollars in affected areas.
(6) Explain:
(a) Whether this administrative regulation will have an overall negative or adverse major economic impact to the entities identified in questions (2) - (4). ($500,000 or more, in aggregate)
This administrative regulation will not have a negative major economic impact to the entities identified in question (2) - (4).
(b) The methodology and resources used to reach this conclusion:
The only costs to the entities in questions (2) - (4) will be the cost to purchase a permit. However, the permit will allow commercial fishers to use gear and methods that could increase their revenue far beyond the cost of the permit.

7-Year Expiration: 11/5/2031

Last Updated: 3/5/2025

Page Generated: 2/4/2025, 3:28:47 PM