Title 304 | Chapter 001 | Regulation 040

304 KAR 1:040.Campgrounds.

Section 1.

At each state park campground, requirements established in this section shall be posted and observed.


Camping, unless otherwise authorized by the park manager due to a special event creating an overflow, shall be restricted to the campground.



A tent, a camping vehicle, a recreational vehicle, camping equipment, or other personal property shall not be left unattended longer than twenty-four (24) consecutive hours without written permission from the park manager.


Written permission pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection shall be based upon the best interests of the park.



A pet shall:


Be kept on a leash or otherwise restrained at all times;


Have current inoculations for rabies as prescribed by the campers' state of residence; and


Not be tied to trees or shrubs.


A camper shall clean up after the camper's pet.


Campers unable to control their pets may be asked to leave the campground.



Sewage or gray water from tents or recreational vehicles shall not be disposed of on the premises of the campground except at a sewage disposal site.


Dishes, pots, pans, and silverware shall not be washed at spigots or in bathhouses.


Vehicles or equipment shall not be washed within the campground.


Quiet time begins at 11 p.m. Campers shall not have visitors after 11 p.m.


Campers shall not:


Hang lanterns on trees or shrubs;


Drive an object into a tree, shrub, sign, building, or other object or structure in the campground; or


Trench or dig in the campground.


If the camper has a permit, a golf cart may be used on a state park campground.


A person may purchase a golf cart permit at the campground store or another location designated by the park manager for twenty-five (25) dollars, and the permit shall be valid for seven (7) consecutive days.


A person may purchase an annual golf cart permit at the campground store or another location designated by the park manager for $100 and the permit shall be valid April 1 through October 31.


Each permit shall be displayed prominently on the golf cart in a location designated by the park manager.


A golf cart shall not be parked or left in a no-parking zone, a prohibited area, or in an area that would block traffic.


A state park employee or agent may use a golf cart without a permit on the grounds of the state park campground if the employee or agent is acting on behalf of a state park.



Motorbikes, motorcycles, motor scooters, and mopeds in the campground shall be restricted to regular roadways for use in entering and exiting only.


Four (4) wheelers, all terrain vehicles, utility type vehicles, or similar vehicles may be prohibited within portions of the campground in areas designated by the park manager.


Campers and visitors shall not joy ride on a motorized vehicle within the campground.


A driver shall be at least sixteen (16) years of age and have a valid driver's license.


A vehicle shall be properly muffled and shall stay on paved roads.


An exception shall be made for the use of a motorized vehicle by a person with a disability who:


Is using a motorized vehicle for travel to or from campground facilities; and


Has proof of disability such as an appropriate identification card or vehicle license plate.



Campsites may be reserved by telephone or via the Internet.


A campsite not reserved shall be available on a first-come, first-served basis.


Check-in time shall be 2 p.m., and check-out time shall be 1 p.m.



There shall be a fourteen (14) day maximum stay unless granted a waiver by the park manager for good cause due to an emergency or business necessity.


A camper may be asked to move to facilitate maintenance on the site.


A camper shall not homestead.



A camper shall register at the entrance gate or designated area and shall receive a campsite assignment from the gate attendant, which shall be noted with a camping permit.


A camper shall not change a campsite assignment, unless permission to move is granted by the gate attendant.


If a camper is permitted to select a site of the camper's choice, the camper shall return immediately to the gate attendant and identify the chosen site.



Central service buildings and other facilities in the camping area shall be for campers and their guests only.


Anyone other than a registered camper or guest shall not picnic, sightsee, or have reunions in the campground.


Fires shall be restricted to fire rings in designated areas only and shall be attended at all times.



Vehicles shall be parked in campsite spaces and parking lots and shall display a "car pass" or "visitor pass."


No more than two (2) vehicles shall be permitted per campsite, including recreational vehicles (RV), except as permitted pursuant to subsection (16)(b) of this section.


Vehicles shall not block adjacent sites or roadways.


Tables shall not be moved from site to site.



Two (2) groups or parties may share one (1) campsite.


If two (2) groups or parties agree to share one (1) campsite, each shall be issued a camping permit, if two (2) tents, campers, or recreational vehicles are used.



A camper shall keep the camping site clean and dispense of refuse in the receptacles provided.


Campers may camp on grass only with prior permission of the gate attendant or park manager.


Alcoholic beverages shall not be publicly displayed.


Fireworks shall not be allowed at the campground.


Campers shall:


Report loss, theft, accident, or disturbance to gate attendant; and


Turn in all found property to gate attendant.



A camper shall not deface or damage park property.


Failure to comply with paragraph (a) of this subsection may result in arrest, fine, or eviction from the park property.


All visitors shall sign in and out, display a visitor pass, and obey all campground rules.


More than two (2) visitor passes shall not be issued per site.



A camper or a camper's guest shall not engage in fighting; threatening or abusive language; or lewd acts, or conduct that causes public inconvenience, annoyance, alarm, unreasonable noise, or is disturbing to campground patrons.


Failure to comply with paragraph (a) of this subsection may result in arrest, fine, or eviction from the park property.

Section 2.

Sanctions. A person identified by the park manager as being in violation of this administrative regulation may:


Have his or her permit revoked. If the permit is revoked pursuant to this subsection, the permit fee shall be nonrefundable;


Have his or her four (4) wheeler, all terrain vehicle, utility type vehicle, moped, golf cart, horse trailer, or similar vehicle towed to the nearest licensed towing facility; and


Be removed from the park premises.

HISTORY: (1 Ky.R. 756; eff. 5-14-75; Am. 5 Ky.R. 549; eff. 2-7-79; 15 Ky.R. 2103; eff. 4-26-89; 27 Ky.R. 1545; 2127; eff. 2-15-2001; 32 Ky.R. 1925; 2267; eff. 7-7-06; 34 Ky.R. 855; 1414; eff. 1-4-2008; 38 Ky.R. 2002; 39 Ky.R. 466; eff. 10-5-2012; TAm. 5-9-2013; Crt eff. 2-12-2020.)

7-Year Expiration: 2/12/2027

Last Updated: 12/15/2021

Page Generated: 2/4/2025, 3:28:47 PM