Title 501 | Chapter 003 | Regulation 120

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501 KAR 3:120.Admission; searches and release.

Section 1.

Policy and Procedure. Each jail shall develop written admission, orientation, and release procedures to be included in the jail's policy and procedure manual.

Section 2.



A person in need of emergency medical attention shall not be admitted to the jail until a medical examination is conducted. A Denial of Admission document shall be completed, listing the reason for denial. The document shall be signed by jail personnel on duty.


Jail personnel shall ensure that each prisoner is committed under proper legal authority by a duly authorized officer.


An intake form shall be completed on every new admission and shall include the following:


Time and date of commitment;


Name, alias, and nickname;


Official charge;


Authority ordering commitment;


Unit of government to be billed;


Signature and title of arresting or committing officer;


Date of birth;






Height and weight;


Current or last known address;


Telephone number;


Marital status;


Spouse or next of kin;


Emergency contact including name, relation, address, and telephone number;


Employer, place of employment, and telephone number;


Social Security number;


Health status including current medications, known allergies, diet, or other special medical needs;


The name of any known person in the jail who might be a threat to the prisoner; and


Mental health history including past hospitalizations, comprehensive care treatment, current treatment, and medication.

Section 3.



Jail personnel shall conduct a search of each prisoner and his possessions.


Each prisoner shall be searched for contraband in a manner jail personnel reasonably determine is necessary to protect the safety of fellow prisoners, jail personnel, and institutional security.


A prisoner may be strip searched only on reasonable suspicion that is based upon the existence of objective information that may predict the likelihood of the presence of a weapon, drugs, or other item of contraband concealed on a particular prisoner. Reasonable suspicion may be based upon one (1) or more of the following examples:


A current felony offense, fugitive status, or past felony conviction, involving violence or drug charges;


Institutional behavior, reliable information, or history that indicates possession or manufacturing of a dangerous contraband, the refusal to submit to a clothed pat down search, or a clothed pat down search reveals the possession of a dangerous contraband;


Contact with the public by a contact visit, court appearance that takes place in an area to which the public may have access, or after transport from or through an area to which the public may have access; or


The court has ordered commitment to custody after arraignment, conviction, sentencing, or other court appearance, and the prisoner was not in custody prior to the court appearance.


The jailer shall require that a strip search or body cavity search be documented. Documentation shall include:


Basis for reasonable suspicion to conduct a search;


Date and time of search;


Name of prisoner;


Name of person conducting search;


Type of search; and


Result of search.


A strip search shall be conducted by jail personnel of the same sex as the prisoner and in a private area.


Probing of body cavities shall:


Not be done unless there is reasonable suspicion to believe that the prisoner is carrying contraband in a body cavity; and


Be conducted in a private location, under sanitary conditions, by a licensed medical professional, acting within his statutory scope of practice.


Each jail shall develop written policies and procedures, specifying the personal property that a prisoner may retain in his possession.


Cash or personal property taken from a prisoner upon admission shall be listed by complete description on a receipt form, and securely stored pending the prisoner's release. The receipt shall be signed by the receiving jail personnel and the prisoner and kept for the jail record.


If the prisoner is inebriated, is a mental inquest detainee, or is mentally ill or mentally retarded, there shall be at least one (1) witness to verify the transaction in paragraph (a) of this subsection. As soon as the prisoner is able to understand and account for his actions, the prisoner may sign the receipt.


Personal property released to a third party shall have the prisoner's signature of approval and the signature receipt of the third party.


The jailer may establish a written policy on hair length or beards if based on actual concerns for safety, security, identification, or hygiene. A prisoner may be permitted freedom in personal grooming if not in conflict with the jail's policy. Caution shall be taken to protect prisoner rights in accordance with court decisions regarding religious practice.

Section 4.



As soon after assignment as possible, an oral or written orientation shall be made available to each prisoner.


The orientation shall provide the prisoner with information regarding his confinement, including the following:


Information pertaining to rising and retiring, meals, mail procedures, work assignments, telephone privileges, visitation, correspondence, commissary, medical care, and other matters related to the conditions of the prisoner's confinement;


Rules of prisoner conduct established pursuant to 501 KAR 3:060, Section 1(3);


Disciplinary procedures;


Information regarding work, educational and vocational training, counseling, and other social service programs; and


Procedures for making a request or registering a complaint with the jail personnel or department personnel. Prisoners shall follow the grievance procedure and attach a copy of the grievance documents if requesting a review by the department.

Section 5.



Written legal authorization shall be required prior to the release or removal of a prisoner from confinement.


When a prisoner is released or removed for a legal purpose to the custody of another, the identity of receiving authority shall be verified.


A written record shall be kept of the time, purpose, date, and authority for release or removal from confinement, and into whose custody the prisoner is released or removed.


Prior to the release or removal of a prisoner, the receiving authority shall sign an authorized release form.


Before jail personnel releases a prisoner to an out-of-state jurisdiction, jail personnel shall consult with the appropriate prosecutorial office in the county.


Property, not legally confiscated or retained, receipted from the prisoner upon admission shall be returned to the prisoner when the prisoner is released.


Each prisoner shall sign a receipt for property returned at the time of release.


Complaint regarding property returned shall be submitted in writing with specific details within twenty-four (24) hours from the time of release.

HISTORY: (9 Ky.R. 1074; eff. 4-6-83; Am. 13 Ky.R. 691; eff. 11-11-86; 19 Ky.R. 1854; eff. 6-7-93; 20 Ky.R. 2136; 2625; eff. 3-14-94; 26 Ky.R. 164; 27 Ky.R. 84; eff. 7-17-2000; 31 Ky.R. 1561; 1797; eff. 5-26-05; 37 Ky.R. 2959; 38 Ky.R. 577; eff. 10-7-11.)

7-Year Expiration: 3/1/2029

Last Updated: 3/6/2025

Page Generated: 2/4/2025, 3:28:47 PM