Title 703 | Chapter 005 | Regulation 140

703 KAR 5:140.Requirements for school and district report cards.

Section 1.



"Average student/teacher ratio" means the total enrollment of the school (end of year membership) divided by the number of teachers on a full-time equivalent (FTE) basis, not including administrators, guidance counselors, or media specialists.


"Average years of experience" means the average number of years of professional experience of classroom teachers excluding certified staff such as administrators, guidance counselors, or media specialists.


"Base year" means the academic year immediately preceding the publication of the school report card components.


"District report card" means the summary of district and school information that shall be published pursuant to KRS 160.463.


"Membership" means the number of kindergarten through grade (12) students enrolled in a school or district as reported by the local superintendent at the close of the year.


"Parent" shall have the same meaning as defined in KRS 160.345(1)(d).


"School" means an institution as defined in KRS 160.345(1)(b).


"School report card" means the public reporting mechanism established pursuant to 20 U.S.C. 6311(h) and KRS 158.6453 (17)(a).


"School safety data" means a list of components as established in Section 2 of this administrative regulation, critical to providing for a safe school environment for students and school staff.


"Spending per student - district" means the current expenditures made divided by the membership in the district.


"Spending per student - school" means the current expenditures made divided by the membership in the school.


"Spending per student - state" means the current expenditures made divided by the membership in the state.

Section 2.

School Report Card. In addition to the requirements of 20 U.S.C. 6311(h) and KRS 158.6453(17)(a), a school report card shall include the following information:


The name and address of the school, the name of its principal, telephone, and email contact information, all of which shall be current at the time the card is published;


The membership of the school;


The school level results of all components of Kentucky's accountability system to classify schools and districts, which is established in 703 KAR 5:270, Section 2;


Teacher qualification information, including:


Average years of teaching experience;


The number of teachers certified by the National Board for Professional Standards; and


The professional qualifications of all teachers expressed as percentages, including bachelors, masters, Rank I, specialist, and Ph.D. or Ed.D. degrees;


School safety data including:


Whether visitors are required to sign in;


Whether all parents receive the district discipline code;


The percentage of classrooms with telephones able to access outside lines; and


Data detailing school safety incidents reported pursuant to 20 U.S.C. 6311(h) and KRS 158.444 as well as additional safety violations required to be reported as part of the Civil Rights Data Collection or another reporting mechanism mandated by state or federal law.


Student resource data including:


Spending per student at the school, district and state level;


Average student to teacher ratios at the school, district, and state level; and


Student to internet connected instructional computer ratios.


Measures of parental involvement pursuant to KRS 158.6453 (17)(a) including:


Number of students whose parent or guardian had at least one (1) teacher conference;


Number of parents and guardians voting in school based decision making council elections; and


Number of parents and guardians serving on the school based decision making council.


The names of school based decision making council members at the end of the base year.

Section 3.

District Report Card. In addition to the requirements of 20 U.S.C. 6311(h) and KRS 158.6453(17)(a), a district report card shall include the following information:


A district level summary of all school data required on the school report card and shall be the aggregation of the school report cards by level (elementary, middle and high);


The name and email address of the current superintendent at the time the card is published;


The names of the members of the local board of education at the end of the base year; and


The professional qualifications of teachers shall be aggregated.

Section 4.

Data Verification and Publication.


Prior to publication the principal and the superintendent or a designee shall review and approve the data included in the school and district report cards. Each school report card and district report card shall be published on the Kentucky Department of Education Web site and the applicable school and district Web sites.


If a school or district falsifies data or publishes incorrect information in a component of the report card, it shall supply corrected information to the Department of Education in accordance with timelines set for publication of the School Report Card.

HISTORY: (27 Ky.R. 881; 2148; eff. 1-18-2001; 32 Ky.R. 1775; eff. 6-2-2006; 35 Ky.R. 1277; 2052; eff. 2-12-2009; 38 Ky.R. 1391; 39 Ky.R. 31; eff. 7-13-2012; Crt eff. 6-28-2019; 46 Ky.R. 2142; 2801; eff. 7-31-2020.)

7-Year Expiration: 7/31/2027

Last Updated: 12/15/2021

Page Generated: 2/4/2025, 3:28:47 PM