Title 705 | Chapter 004 | Regulation 081

705 KAR 4:081.FFA Leadership Training Center.

Section 1.

The Kentucky FFA Leadership Training Center at Hardinsburg shall be operated and maintained as a definite part of the state program of agribusiness education. The center shall provide training in leadership and citizenship development for youth.

Section 2.

The chief state school officer shall have general responsibility for the management and control of the center. The director of the center shall be an agribusiness education consultant who is a member of the staff in the Department of Education. The facilities shall be maintained by fees collected from members of the Kentucky Association of Future Farmers of America, by funds budgeted by the Department of Education, and by fees charged other groups using the center. The facilities shall be used by the members of the Kentucky Association FFA and other vocational education youth organizations for leadership training and recreation. When not used for vocational education purposes, the facility shall be available for use by other educational and agricultural organizations.

Section 3.

The chief state school officer shall appoint an advisory committee whose duty it shall be to advise the director of agribusiness education and the director of the Leadership Training Center regarding the operation of the center. The advisory committee shall be composed of a representative from the agribusiness education unit, a representative from the teacher education staff in agribusiness education, two (2) teachers of vocational agriculture, and the president of the Kentucky Association of Future Farmers of America. The executive secretary of the Kentucky Association of Future Farmers of America shall be chairman of the advisory committee without a vote, and the director of the center shall serve as secretary without a vote.

Section 4.

The director of the center shall, with the approval of the director of agribusiness education and with the advice of the advisory committee, schedule the use of the facilities and develop procedures for its operation in line with the objectives of the program.

Section 5.

The director of the center and other full and part-time employees shall be employed by the chief state school officer. Purchases of supplies, equipment, food, soft drinks, maintenance items, repairs to equipment, capital outlay items, and other reoccurring purchases shall be made in accordance with administrative regulations of the State Board for Elementary and Secondary Education and applicable state statutes and budget appropriations.

HISTORY: (20 Ky.R. 3390; eff. 8-4-1994; Crt eff. 11-16-2018.)

7-Year Expiration: 11/16/2025

Last Updated: 12/15/2021

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