Title 705 | Chapter 004 | Regulation 240

705 KAR 4:240.School to careers.

Section 1.

A local board of education or consortia of school districts may operate a school to careers system, which may include school-to-work, tech prep, and high schools that work, as an opportunity offered to all students attending the public schools.

Section 2.


Funds shall be made available to an eligible local board of education or consortia of school districts through a request for proposal (RFP) process in which a local board of education or consortia of school districts agrees to develop, implement, and evaluate a schools to careers system.


Eligibility for grant awards shall be based on the proposals that include a plan to address the following:


Improvement in student achievement of math, science, communication, social studies, and technical skills (results from multiple student assessments, certification and accreditation may be considered);


Improvement in successful transition rates (KIRIS or CATS successful transition results may be utilized);


Reduction in student drop-out rates (KIRIS or CATS drop-out results may be utilized);


Reduction in percent of students requiring remediation at the postsecondary level;


Percent of students utilizing an individual graduation plan;


Percent of students participating in programs which are utilizing occupational skill standards;


Percent of students receiving skill standards certification;


Percent of students receiving a career major certificate;


Percent of students participating in work-based learning at the elementary, middle, and high school level (utilizing the School-to-Work Data Collection System);


Percent of students participating in articulation agreements with postsecondary institutions;


Percent of faculty and staff participating in business and industry externships;


Number of business, Industry, and labor participants actively involved in the school to careers initiative; and


Planned instructional programs to meet the needs of students with disabilities and other special needs.


Grant funds may be used to enhance on-going efforts such as tech prep, school-to-work, and high schools that work initiatives.


Each grantee shall be responsible for a criterion that has not been implemented or that needs to be enhanced as listed in subsection (2) of this section.


Criteria listed in subsection (2) of this section shall be used for annual program evaluation to determine progress and success.

Section 3.


The level of funding available shall be based on the total funding appropriated by the General Assembly during each year of the biennium.


In determining the level of grant funding, consideration shall be given to the following:


The need and previous activities;


The amount of other grant funds which a school district or consortia of school districts may be receiving from other school to careers programs including school-to-work, tech prep, and high schools that work;


The number of students being served; and


The level of proposed implementation activities.

HISTORY: (25 Ky.R. 1284; eff. 1-19-1999; Crt eff. 11-16-2018.)

7-Year Expiration: 11/16/2025

Last Updated: 12/15/2021

Page Generated: 2/4/2025, 3:28:47 PM