Title 725 | Chapter 001 | Regulation 040

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Technical Amendment: 11/10/2022

725 KAR 1:040.Collection and distribution of reports and publications.

Section 1.



"Department" is defined by KRS 171.410(2).


"Division" means Division of Archives and Records Management in the Department for Libraries and Archives.


"Records officer" means the public agency employee who represents that unit of government in its relations with the division, as established in 725 KAR 1:010.


"State publication" means a publication in any format that is produced by the authority of, or at the total or partial expense of, a state agency, and is required to be distributed under law by the agency, is publicly distributed outside the agency, is displayed on a public agency Web site, or is made available electronically by any other means.

Section 2.



The records officer of each agency or department of state government shall be responsible for depositing with the Department for Libraries and Archives, Division of Archives and Records Management, three (3) copies of each report and publication issued on paper by that agency for general public distribution or one (1) electronic copy. Publications shall be forwarded to the division on the date of issue.


The records officer of each agency shall be responsible for depositing with the division one (1) copy of each state publication held in electronic format or issued for general public distribution on the agency's Web site.


Each publication shall be forwarded to the division on the date of issue.


The agency shall forward electronic publications to the division in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF).


Agencies shall follow the guidelines contained in Kentucky Information Technology Standards (KITS), https://cgp.ky.gov/sites/COTPUBDOCS/Standards/KITS_Report.pdf.

Section 3.



Each agency shall notify the division in writing of the name of its records officer, as the agency employee who represents that unit of government in its relations with the division. The records officer shall submit to the division in writing, a complete list of the agency's current state publications in all formats, annually, at the end of each fiscal year, and upon request.


If a records officer is unsure whether or not particular published material constitutes a state publication, the records officer may consult the Division of Archives and Records Management.

Section 4.



Once submitted, state publications in all formats shall be reviewed for addition to the State Publications Collection at the department. Nonstate publications or paper copies in excess of the required three (3) may be discarded.


Once added to the State Publications Collection, publications shall be listed on the department's Web site for general public access.

HISTORY: (2 Ky.R. 536; eff. 6-2-1976; 31 Ky.R. 1200; 1408; eff. 3-3-2005; 48 Ky.R. 562; 2215; eff. 5-3-2022; TAm eff. 11-10-2022.)

FILED WITH LRC: November 10, 2022

7-Year Expiration: 5/3/2029

Last Updated: 2/13/2023

Page Generated: 2/4/2025, 3:28:47 PM