Title 725 | Chapter 002 | Regulation 070

725 KAR 2:070.Certification renewal of public librarians.

Section 1.



"Board" means the Kentucky State Board for the Certification of Librarians.


"Contact hour" means a unit of measuring continuing education training with one (1) hour of training equal to one (1) contact hour.


"Editorial process" means one (1) or more editors at a publication reviews and approves submitted work.


"Full-time" means working 100 or more hours per month.


"Job-related course work or continuing education" means instruction other than in library science that is directly related to the applicant's job.


"Job-related professional organization" means a professional organization other than library science that is directly related to the applicant's job.


"Learning activity" means a class, institute, seminar, or workshop that is planned, coordinated, administered, and evaluated in terms of learning objectives.


"Library services" means duties performed by library employees that require special skills and knowledge to be performed properly.


"Presenting" means instructional training that lasts ninety (90) minutes or less.


"Professional library association, consortium, council, or board" means an organization of library staff and persons interested in libraries.


"Teaching" means instructional training that lasts more than ninety (90) minutes.

Section 2.

Required Certification Renewal by Public Library Position.


A library director shall renew the Professional Certificate every five (5) years. 100 contact hours of continuing education shall be accumulated within the five (5) year period.


A full-time or part-time assistant director,, branch head, department head, manager, supervisor or bookmobile librarian as determined by the library director or designee shall renew at least the Paraprofessional I Certificate every five (5) years. Seventy-five (75) contact hours of continuing education shall be accumulated within the five (5) year period.


Any other full-time position providing library services, as determined by the library director or designee, shall renew the Paraprofessional II or III Certificate every five (5) years. Fifty (50) contact hours of continuing education shall be accumulated within the five (5) year period.

Section 3.

Types of Certificates. The following certificates may be renewed for a period of five (5) years:


Professional I Certificate;


Professional II Certificate;


Professional III Certificate;


Professional IV Certificate;


Paraprofessional I Certificate;


Paraprofessional II Certificate; or


Paraprofessional III Certificate.

Section 4.

Sources of Learning Activities that Provide Contact Hours.


The board shall accept job-related coursework or continuing education offerings from an institution of higher education as follows:












Lecture series;


Internships; or


Courses taken for academic credit.


The board shall accept activities in a professional library or job-related association, consortium, council, or board as follows:


Participation in:






Conferences; or


Lecture series; or


The holding of an association, consortium, council, or board office, with a statement specifying the learning activity and derived educational benefit.


The board shall accept participation in job-related seminars, workshops, conferences, or lecture series sponsored by the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives.


The board shall accept participation in workshops, lecture series, or training programs that shall be documented as job-related. These activities may be sponsored by individual libraries.


The board shall accept self-directed learning activities that go beyond expected job duties, such as:


Writing reviews of job-related materials or books, articles, or chapters that are published in statewide, regional, or national library or other job-related professional organization's publications and selected through an editorial process;


Writing or editing an article for a job-related publication with statewide, regional, or national distribution and selected through an editorial process;


Writing or editing a book on a job-related topic selected for publication by a publishing company and published following an editorial process;


Developing and presenting library-related instructional training for library staff, library school students, library trustees, or other job-related professional organizations;


Preparing and teaching a library or job-related course, workshop, seminar, or institute; or


Listening to or viewing an audio or video recording of a job- related workshop presentation or conference program and submitting a written review indicating what was learned and how it relates to their job.


The board shall require that each learning activity incorporates new subject information.

Section 5.

The conversion calculations for a type of activity to the number of contact hours shall be determined in accordance with the Certification Contact Hours Points Conversion Chart.

Section 6.

Application for public librarian certification renewal shall be made to the board by submitting a completed Renewal Application for Certification of Librarianship.

Section 7.

A fee of twenty (20) dollars shall be charged for each certificate renewal issued.

Section 8.

Incorporation by Reference.


The following material is incorporated by reference:


"Certification Contact Hours Conversion Chart", June 1, 2017; and


"Renewal Application for Certification of Librarianship", October 18, 2019.


This material may be inspected, copied, or obtained, subject to applicable copyright law, at the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives, 300 Coffee Tree Road, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

HISTORY: (18 Ky.R. 3278; Am. 19 Ky.R. 49; eff. 7-4-1992; 26 Ky.R. 899; 1159; eff. 12-16-1999; 36 Ky.R. 1337; 2061-M; eff. 4-2-2010; 43 Ky.R. 2063; 44 Ky.R. 104, 221; eff. 8-28-2017; Crt eff. 1-28-2020; 46 Ky.R. 2701; eff. 1-5-20021.)

7-Year Expiration: 1/5/2028

Last Updated: 12/15/2021

Page Generated: 2/4/2025, 3:28:47 PM