Title 780 | Chapter 003 | Regulation 030

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780 KAR 3:030.Appointments.

Section 1.

Notice of Classes, Minimum Qualifications, and Vacancies.


An official list of classes, minimum qualifications, and vacancies developed by the Department of Educationshall be posted to the official Personnel Cabinet Web site.




All vacancies shall be posted online for a minimum of five (5) days.


The vacancy posting shall contain the title, minimum qualifications, and other pertinent information about the vacancy.

Section 2.

Establishment and Abolishment of Positions. The appointing authority shall establish and abolish positions, transfer certified and equivalent employees between positions, and change titles and compensation of existing offices of certified and equivalent employees consistent with the provisions of KRS 156.808.

Section 3.



Each application shall be submitted on an Application for Employment from the official Personnel Cabinet Web site.


The application shall be signed and the truth of the statements therein certified by a signature under penalty of removal for falsification and any criminal penalties that apply.


The appointing authority shall authorize individuals to verify work experience and educational attainment of an applicant for a position in the certified and equivalent personnel system.


The application shall be consistent with the state and federal equal employment opportunity requirements.

Section 4.

Minimum Qualifications for Filing. A position shall be filled by an applicant who meets the standards or requirements prescribed by the appointing authority with regard to education and experience and any other factors as may be held to relate to the ability of the candidate to perform with reasonable efficiency the duties of the position.

Section 5.

Selection of Employees. The Department of Education shall only consider those qualified applicants who have applied to the posted position in consideration for employment.

Section 6.



Except as provided in subsection (4) of this section, the appointing authority shall fill a position through the consideration of a list of recommendations submitted by a designated interview committee composed of no less than three (3) or more than seven (7) members, or from supervisory recommendations.


The procedure for determining the composition of the designated interview committee shall be determined by the appointing authority.


The committee shall make recommendations to the designated Office of Career and Technical Education official as determined by the appointing authority.


If deemed in the best interest of the Commonwealth, the appointing authority shall not utilize an interview committee.

HISTORY: (17 Ky.R. 741; eff. 10-14-1990; Am. 30 Ky.R. 701; 1243; eff. 12-1-2003; 35 Ky.R. 1864; 2234; eff. 5-1-2009; 44 Ky.R. 677, 933; eff. 12-1-2017; 50 Ky.R. 2302; 51 Ky.R. 276; eff. 8-20-2024.)

This is to certify that the chief state school officer has reviewed and recommended this administrative regulation prior to its adoption by the Kentucky Board of Education, as required by KRS 156.070(5).
FILED WITH LRC: July 9, 2024
CONTACT PERSON: Todd G. Allen, General Counsel, Kentucky Department of Education, 300 Sower Boulevard, 5th Floor, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601, phone 502-564-4474, fax 502-564-9321, email regcomments@education.ky.gov.

7-Year Expiration: 8/20/2031

Last Updated: 8/26/2024

Page Generated: 2/4/2025, 3:28:47 PM