Title 805 | Chapter 003 | Regulation 070

805 KAR 3:070.Loading, hauling and dumping.

Section 1.

Loading, Hauling and Dumping.


Equipment shall be inspected each shift by a competent person designated by the operator. Equipment defects affecting safety shall be reported immediately.


Equipment defects affecting safety shall be corrected before the equipment is used.


Powered mobile equipment shall be provided with adequate brakes.


Powered mobile haulage equipment shall be provided with audible warning devices. Lights shall be provided on both ends when required.


Equipment operators shall be certain, by signal or other means, that all persons are in the clear before starting or moving equipment.


When the entire length of a conveyor is visible from the starting switch, the operator shall visually check to make certain that all persons are in the clear before starting the conveyor. When the entire length of the conveyor is not visible from the starting switch, a positive audible warning system shall be installed and operated to warn persons that the conveyor will be started.


Trucks, shuttle cars, and front-end loaders shall be equipped with emergency brakes separate and independent of the regular braking system.


Operators' cabs shall be constructed to permit operators to see without difficulty and should be reasonably comfortable.


Cab windows shall be of safety glass or equivalent, in good condition and shall be kept clean.


Cab is of mobile equipment shall be kept free of extraneous materials.


Adequate back stops or brakes shall be installed on inclined conveyor drive units to prevent conveyors from running in reverse if a hazard to personnel will result.


No person shall be permitted to ride a power driven chain, belt, or bucket conveyor, unless specifically designed for the transportation of persons.


Equipment operating speeds shall be prudent and consistent with conditions of roadway, grades, clearance, visibility, traffic, and the type of equipment used.


Dust control measures shall be taken where dust significantly reduces visibility of equipment operators. Haulage roads shall be wet down as necessary unless dust is controlled adequately by other methods.


Mobile equipment operators shall have full control of the equipment while it is in motion.


Dippers, buckets, loading booms, or heavy suspended loads shall not be swung over the cabs of haulage vehicles until the drivers are out of the cabs and in safe locations, unless the trucks are designed specifically to protect the drivers from falling material.


Only authorized persons shall be present in areas of loading or dumping operations.


Unless safe provisions are made for persons to mount or leave equipment while it is in operation, the operator shall be notified of their intentions before getting on or off.


Operators shall assume the normal operating position at all times while the vehicle is in motion and shall sit facing the direction of travel while operating equipment with dual controls.


Men shall not work or pass under the buckets or booms of loaders in operation.


When traveling between work areas, the equipment shall be secured in the travel position.


Dippers, buckets, scraper blades, and similar movable parts shall be secured or lowered to the ground when not in use.


Men shall not ride in dippers, buckets, forks, clamshells, or other parts of any equipment not specifically designed for the transportation of persons.


Loaded cars or trucks shall not be moved until the loads are trimmed properly.


Electrically powered mobile equipment shall not be left unattended unless the master switch is in the "off" position, all operating controls are in the neutral position, and the brakes are set or other equivalent precautions are taken against rolling.


Mobile equipment shall not be left unattended unless the brakes are set. The wheels shall be turned into a bank or wall, or shall be blocked when such equipment is parked on a grade.


Men shall not ride on top of loaded haulage equipment.


Men shall not ride outside the cabs and beds of mobile equipment.


Equipment which is to be hauled shall be properly loaded and secured.


Dumping locations and haulage roads shall be kept reasonably free of water, debris, and spillage.


Berms, bumper blocks, safety hooks, or similar means shall be provided to prevent over travel and overturning at dumping locations.


If truck spotters are used, they shall be well in the clear while trucks are backing into dumping position and dumping; lights shall be used at night to direct trucks.


Where overhead clearance is restricted, warning devices shall be installed and the restricted area shall be conspicuously marked.


Ramps and dumps shall be of solid construction, of ample width, have ample side clearance and headroom, and be kept reasonably free of spillage.


Lights, flares, or other warning devices shall be posted when parked equipment creates a hazard to vehicular traffic.


Tires shall be deflated before repairs on them are started and adequate means shall be provided to prevent wheel locking rims from creating a hazard during tire inflation.


Any load extending more than four (4) feet beyond the rear of the vehicle body shall be marked clearly with a red flag by day and a red light at night.


A tow bar shall be used to tow heavy equipment. A safety chain shall be used in conjunction with the tow bar.


When heavy equipment is to be towed, the towing vehicle shall be of suitable weight and strength to maintain safe control of the load.

HISTORY: (SMS-6; 1 Ky.R. 851; eff. 5-14-1975; Crt eff. 6-27-2018.)

7-Year Expiration: 6/27/2025

Last Updated: 12/15/2021

Page Generated: 2/4/2025, 3:28:47 PM