Title 810 | Chapter 003 | Regulation 001

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Technical Amendment: 7/1/2024

810 KAR 3:001.Definitions for 810 KAR Chapter 3.

Section 1.



"Age" means the number of years since a horse was foaled, reckoned as if the horse was foaled on January 1 of the year in which the horse was foaled.


"Allowance race" means a race in which contestants receive weight allowance based on performance or winnings as stipulated in the conditions of the race.


"ARCI" means the Association of Racing Commissioners International.


"Association" is defined by KRS 230.210.


"Authorized agent" means in flat racing any person currently licensed as an agent for a licensed owner, jockey, or jockey apprentice by virtue of notarized appointment of agency filed with the corporation.


"Claiming race" means a race in which ownership of a horse participating in the race can be transferred in conformity with 810 KAR 4:050 and 810 KAR 5:030


"Commission" is defined by 810 KAR 6:001.


"Conditions" means qualifications that determine a horse's eligibility to be entered in a race.


"Coupled entry" means two (2) or more horses in a race that are treated as a single betting interest for pari-mutuel wagering purposes.


"Day" means any twenty-four (24) hour period beginning at 12:01 a.m. and ending at midnight.


"Directive" means an official order issued by the corporation or the executive director.


"Draw" means the process of determining post positions by lot.


"Driver" means in standardbred racing a person who is licensed to drive a horse in a race.


"Early closing race" means in standardbred racing a race for a definite amount of money in which entries close at least six (6) weeks prior to the race.


"Electronic eligibility" means a computer-generated eligibility certificate that records a horse's racing statistics.


"Entry" means the act of nominating a horse for a race in conformance with KAR Title 810.


"Equipment" means in flat racing accoutrements other than ordinary saddle, girth, pad, saddle cloth, and bridle carried by a horse, and includes whip, blinkers, tongue strap, muzzle, hood, noseband, bit, shadow roll, martingale, breast plate, bandages, boots, and racing plates or shoes.


"Horse" means any equine irrespective of age or sex designation and registered for racing with the applicable breed registry.


"Ineligible" means a horse or person not qualified under KAR Title 810 or conditions of a race to participate in a specified racing activity.


"Jockey" means a rider currently licensed to ride in races as a jockey, apprentice jockey, amateur jockey, or a provisional jockey permitted by the stewards to ride in three (3) races prior to applying for a license.


"Judge" means a duly appointed racing official with powers and duties established in 810 KAR 2:050 serving at a current meeting in the Commonwealth.


"Lessee" means a licensed owner whose interest in a horse is a leasehold.


"Licensee" means an individual, firm, association, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, trustee, or legal representative that has been duly issued a currently valid license to participate in racing in the Commonwealth.


"Meeting" means the entire period of consecutive days, exclusive of dark days, granted by the corporation to a licensed association for the conduct of live horse racing that:


Begins at 10 a.m. of the first racing day; and


Extends through a period ending one (1) hour after the last scheduled race of the last day.


"Mutuel entry" means a single betting interest involving two (2) or more horses entered in the same race and joined for pari-mutuel purposes because of common ties as to ownership or training so that a wager on one (1) horse joined in a mutuel entry is a wager on all horses joined in the same mutuel entry.


"Nominal change in ownership" means the sale, pledge, encumbrance, execution of an option agreement, or any other transfer of less than five (5) percent of the equity securities or other ownership interest of a partnership, association, corporation, limited liability company, or other legal entity holding a license issued by the corporation.


"Owner" means any person who holds, in whole or in part, any right, title, or interest in a horse, or any lessee of a horse, who has been duly issued a currently valid owner's license as a person responsible for the horse.


"Pari-mutuel wagering," "mutuel wagering", or "pari-mutuel system of wagering" is defined by KRS 230.210.


"Protest" means a written objection charging that a horse is ineligible to race, alleging improper entry procedures, or citing any act of an owner, trainer, driver, or official prohibited by rules which, if true, would exclude that horse or driver from racing.


"Purse" means the gross cash portion of the prize for which a race is run.


"Race" means a running contest between horses ridden by jockeys or driven by drivers at a recognized meeting, during regular racing hours, for a prize.


"Racing official" means a corporation member, corporation staff, as duties require, and all association racing department employees, as duties require.


"Result" means the part of the official order of finish in a race used to determine the parimutuel payoff of pari-mutuel pools.


"Ruled off" means denial of entrance to premises of any association under jurisdiction of the corporation.


"Rulings" means all determinations, decisions, or orders of the stewards or of the corporation duly issued in writing and posted.


"Scratch" means the withdrawal of a horse entered for a race after the time of closing of entries for the race.


"Simulcasting" is defined by KRS 230.210.


"Steward" means a duly appointed racing official with powers and duties established in 810 KAR 2:040 serving at a current meeting in the Commonwealth.


"Substantial change in ownership" means the sale, pledge, encumbrance, execution of an option agreement, or any other transfer of five (5) percent or more of the equity securities or other ownership interest of a partnership, association, corporation, limited liability company, or other legal entity holding a license issued by the corporation.


"Suspended" means withdrawal of racing privileges by the stewards or corporation.


"Totalizator" means the system, including hardware, software, communications equipment, and electronic devices, that accepts and processes the cashing of wagers, calculates the odds and prices of the wagers, and records, displays, and stores pari-mutuel wagering information.


"USTA" means the United States Trotting Association.


"Workout" means in flat racing the training exercise of a horse on the training track or main track of an association during which the horse is timed for speed over a specified distance.


"Year" means twelve (12) consecutive months beginning with January and ending with December.

HISTORY: (45 Ky.R. 1901; 3104; eff. 5-31-2019; TAm eff. 7-1-2024.)

FILED WITH LRC: July 1, 2024

7-Year Expiration: 8/12/2028

Last Updated: 7/1/2024

Page Generated: 2/4/2025, 3:28:47 PM