Title 810 | Chapter 004 | Regulation 030

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Technical Amendment: 7/1/2024

810 KAR 4:030.Entries, subscriptions, and declarations.

Section 1.

Definition. "Subscriber" means an owner who enters a horse into a stakes race and pays the requisite entry fee.

Section 2.

Entering Required. A horse shall not be qualified to start in any race unless it has been, and continues to be, entered in the race. Entries or subscriptions for any horse, or the transfer of entries or subscriptions for any horse, may be refused or cancelled by the association without notice or reason given.

Section 3.

Procedure for Making Entries.


An entry, subscription, declaration, or scratch shall be filed with the racing secretary and shall not be effective until received by the racing secretary. The racing secretary shall maintain a record of the time of receipt of an entry, subscription, declaration, or scratch for a period of at least one (1) year.


An entry shall be made by the owner, the trainer, or an authorized agent of the owner or trainer. An entry shall be in the name of a horse's licensed owner, as completely disclosed and registered with the racing secretary pursuant to subsection (3) of this section.


An entry shall be submitted in writing or by telephone to the racing secretary. A telephone entry shall be confirmed promptly in writing if requested by the stewards, the racing secretary, or an assistant to the racing secretary.


An entry shall clearly designate the horse entered as reflected by its registration certificate, racing permit, or virtual certificate.


A horse shall not race unless registered pursuant to 810 KAR 4:010 or otherwise correctly identified to the satisfaction of the stewards.


Establishing the identity of a horse shall be the responsibility of its owner and of any other person required to certify the identity of the horse. A person shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action under 810 KAR 8:030 for incorrect identification.


The entry shall indicate usage of furosemide pursuant to 810 KAR 8:010.


An entry shall not be altered after the closing of entries, except to correct an error with permission of the stewards.


A horse shall not be entered in two (2) races to be run on the same day.



A horse that has not started in the past forty-five (45) days shall not be permitted to start unless it has at least one (1) published workout within twenty (20) days of entry at a distance satisfactory to the stewards. If a horse has performed the requisite workout, but the workout does not appear in the past performances, the horse shall be permitted to start if the stewards determine that the workout failed to be published through no fault of the trainer.


A horse that has not started in the past ninety (90) days shall not be permitted to start unless it has at least two (2) published workouts during the past ninety (90) day period, one of which occurs within twenty (20) days of entry at a distance satisfactory to the stewards. If a horse has performed the requisite workouts, but the workouts do not appear in the past performances, the horse shall be permitted to start if the stewards determine that the workout failed to be published through no fault of the trainer.


A horse that has not started in the past 180 days shall not be permitted to start unless it has at least three (3) published workouts during the past 180-day period, one (1) of which occurs within twenty (20) days of entry, at a distance satisfactory to the stewards. If a horse has performed the requisite workouts, but the workouts do not appear in the past performances, the horse shall be permitted to start if the stewards determine that the workouts failed to be published through no fault of the trainer.


A horse starting for the first time shall not be permitted to start unless it has three (3) workouts, one (1) of which is from the starting gate, one (1) of which is within twenty (20) days of entry, and at least one (1) of which is published.


A workout not appearing in the official program shall be publicly displayed on television monitors, the tote board, and, if available, the bulletin boards where photo finishes are shown at the time when mutuel windows are opened and shall be displayed until the conclusion of the race in which the horse is entered.


A horse that has never started shall not be entered until the trainer has produced a document or card issued by the starter indicating that the horse has been adequately trained to race from the starting gate.


Quarter horses that have never raced around a turn shall have completed at least one (1) workout at 660 yards or farther within thirty (30) days prior to entry.


Quarter horses that have previously started in a race around a turn, but have not started in such a race within sixty (60) days, shall complete at least one (1) workout at 660 yards or farther within thirty (30) days prior to entry.


If the published conditions of the race permit, an association may accept in a turf race an entry designated "main track only." Preference shall apply to all horses drawn into a race, except that horses entered as "main track only" shall be listed as also-eligible and be considered only if the race is taken off the turf.


A horse shall only be permitted to enter if at the time of entry, the owner, trainer, or an authorized agent of the owner or trainer submits a complete medical record for the horse for the fourteen (14) day period prior to the entry date.


As a condition of entry, quarter horses shall either submit negative hair samples with a test date within thirty (30) days of the race or have a hair sample pulled by a corporation veterinarian prior to the race and sent to a testing laboratory. If a hair sample taken by a corporation veterinarian returns a positive finding, the horse shall be disqualified and the owner and trainer may incur penalties established in 810 KAR 8:030. In addition, all quarter horses shall submit to out-of-competition testing as established by 810 KAR 8:040.

Section 4.

Limitation as to Spouses.


An entry in a race shall not be accepted for a horse owned wholly or in part or trained by a person whose spouse is under license suspension, revocation, or is otherwise ineligible to be licensed, at the time of the entry except as established in subsection (2) of this section.


If the license of a jockey has been suspended for a routine riding offense, depending on the severity of the offense, the stewards may waive the application of this section as to the licensed spouse of the suspended jockey.

Section 5.

Mutuel Entries.


More than two (2) horses having common ties through training shall not be entered in a purse race.


Horses entered in the same race and owned wholly or in part by the same owner or spouse, may be joined as a mutuel entry and single betting interest.


More than two (2) horses having common ties through ownership or training shall not be joined as a mutuel entry in a purse race. If making a double entry of horses owned wholly or in part by the same owner or spouse, or having common ties through training, a preference for one (1) of the horses shall be made.



Two (2) horses having common ties through ownership or training shall not start in a purse race to the exclusion of a single entry.


In any race, the racing secretary may uncouple entries having common ties through training or ownership to make two (2) separate betting interests.

Section 6.



A subscriber to a stakes race may transfer or declare a subscription prior to the closing of entries for the race.


Joint subscriptions and entries may be made by any one (1) of the joint owners of a horse. Each owner shall be jointly and severally liable for all payments due.


Death of a horse or a mistake in its entry if the horse is eligible shall not release the subscriber or transferee from liability for all stakes fees due. Fees paid in connection with a subscription to a stakes race that is run shall not be refunded, except as otherwise stated in the conditions of the stakes race.


Death of a nominator or original subscriber to a stakes race shall not render void any subscription, entry, or right of entry. All rights, privileges, and obligations shall attach to the successor owner, including the legal representatives of the decedent.


If a horse is sold privately, sold at public auction, or claimed, stakes engagements for it shall be transferred automatically with the horse to its new owner. If the horse is transferred to a person whose license is suspended, revoked, or is otherwise ineligible to be licensed, the subscription shall be void as of the date of the transfer.


All stakes fees paid toward a stakes race shall be allocated to the winner unless otherwise provided by the condition for the stakes race. If a stakes race is cancelled for any reason, all subscription fees paid shall be refunded.

Section 7.



Entries for purse races and subscriptions to stakes races shall close at the time designated by the association in previously published conditions for the races.


If a race is not split, an entry, subscription, or declaration shall not be accepted after closing time.


If a purse race fails to fill, or in an emergency, the racing secretary may extend the closing time, if the approval of a steward has been obtained.


Entries that have closed shall be compiled without delay by the racing secretary and shall be posted along with declarations.

Section 8.

Number of Starters in a Race.


The maximum number of starters in any race shall be limited to the number of starting positions afforded by the association starting gate and any extensions approved by the corporation as can be positioned across the width of the track at the starting point for the race. The maximum number of starters further shall be limited by the number of horses that, in the opinion of the stewards after considering the safety of the horses and riders and the distance from the start to the first turn, may be afforded a fair and equal start.



A maiden, starter, or claiming race shall be run if:


Eight (8) or more horses are entered;


The horses entered represent different betting interests; and


The race is listed in the printed condition book.


Except as established in paragraph (c) of this subsection, any other purse race shall be run if:


Six (6) or more horses are entered;


The horses entered represent different betting interests; and


The race is listed in the printed condition book.


If a purse race under paragraph (b) of this subsection includes two (2) horses having common ties through training or ownership, the race shall be run if eight (8) or more horses are entered.


If a purse race in the printed condition book fails to fill with the minimum number of entries required by subsection (2) of this section, the association may cancel or declare the race off. The names of all horses entered in the race shall be publicly posted in the office of the racing secretary on the date of entry.

Section 9.

Split or Divided Races.


If a race is cancelled or declared off, the association may split any race programmed for the same day that may previously have been closed. Races printed in the condition book shall have preference over substitute and extra races.


If a purse race is split, forming two (2) or more separate races, the racing secretary shall give notice of the split not less than fifteen (15) minutes before the races are closed in order to grant time for the making of additional entries to the split races.


Division of entries upon the splitting of any race shall be made in accordance with the conditions under which entries and subscriptions were made and the conditions established in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this subsection.


Horses originally joined as a mutuel entry may be placed in different divisions of a split race unless the person making the multiple entry, at the time of the entry, indicates the coupling of horses is not to be uncoupled if the race is split.


Division of entries in any split stakes race may be made according to age, sex, or both.


Entries for any split race not divided by any method provided for in this administrative regulation shall be divided by lot so as to provide a number of betting interests as nearly equal as possible for each division of the split race.

Section 10.

Post Positions.


Post positions for all races shall be determined by lot, except as established in Section 11(5) of this administrative regulation. Owners, trainers, and their representatives shall have the opportunity to be present at the drawing.


The racing secretary shall assign program numbers for each starter to conform with the post position drawn, except if a race includes two (2) or more horses joined as a single betting interest.

Section 11.

Also-Eligible List.


If the number of entries for a race exceeds the number of horses permitted to start, as established by Section 8 of this administrative regulation, the names of no more than eight (8) horses entered, but not drawn, into the race as starters shall be posted on the entry sheet as "also-eligible" to start.


After a horse has been excused from a race at scratch time, also-eligible horses shall be drawn into the body of the race based on preference. If preference is equal, horses shall be drawn by lot, unless otherwise stipulated in the conditions of the race.



An owner or trainer of a horse on the also-eligible list not wishing to start the horse in a race shall notify the racing secretary prior to scratch time for the race. The horse shall forfeit any preference to which it may have been entitled.


If there are no scratches in the body of a race, a horse on the also-eligible list not drawn into the race shall retain its previously established preference.


A horse on the also-eligible list for a race on the present day that has been drawn into the body of a race on a future race day, shall not be permitted to run in the race on the present day for which it had been listed as also-eligible. This shall not include stakes, handicaps, races at subsequent meets, or races in other jurisdictions.


A horse on the also-eligible list shall be assigned a post position by preference. If preference is equal, post positions shall be drawn by lot, unless otherwise stipulated in the published conditions of the race.


If there is a scratch in a straightaway quarter horse race that has an also eligible list, the also eligible horse shall take the post position of the scratched horse. If there is a scratch in a quarter horse race around a turn, the also eligible horse shall take the outside post position in the order drawn from the also eligible list.

Section 12.

Preferred List.


The racing secretary shall maintain a list of horses that were entered, but denied an opportunity to race because they were eliminated from a race included in the printed condition book either by overfilling or failure to fill.


The racing secretary shall submit, for approval of the corporation at least thirty (30) days prior to the opening date of a race meeting, a detailed description of the manner in which preference will be allocated.


Preferences shall not be given to a horse otherwise eligible for a race if it is also entered for a race on a future race day. This shall not include stakes and handicaps.

Section 13.

Arrears. Unless approved by the racing secretary, a horse shall not be entered or raced unless its owner has paid all stakes fees owed.

Section 14.



Declarations shall be made in the same form, time, and procedure as required for the making of entries.


Declarations shall be irrevocable.


A declaration fee shall not be required by any licensed association.

Section 15.



Scratches shall be irrevocable and shall be permitted under the conditions established in this section.


Except as established in paragraph (b) of this subsection, a horse may be scratched from a stakes race for any reason at any time until four (4) hours prior to post time for the race by obtaining approval from the stewards. Upon receiving a scratch from a stakes race, the racing secretary shall promptly notify the stewards and pari-mutuel manager, and shall cause public announcement of the scratch to be made.


If a list of also-eligible horses has been drawn, scratches shall be filed at the regular scratch time as posted by the racing secretary. Scratch time may be extended by the stewards at their discretion if warranted. Thereafter, a horse shall not be scratched unless:


A valid physical reason exists; or


The scratch is related to adverse track conditions or change of racing surface.


A horse shall not be scratched from a purse race unless:


The approval of the stewards has been obtained; and


Intention to scratch has been filed in writing with the racing secretary or the secretary's assistant at or before scratch time.


A scratch of one (1) horse coupled in a mutuel entry in a purse race shall be made at or before scratch time, unless permission is granted by the stewards to allow both horses to remain in the race until a later appointed scratch time.


In a purse race, a horse that is physically disabled or sick shall be permitted to be scratched first. If horses representing more than eight (8) betting interests remain in after horses with physical excuses have been scratched, an owner or trainer may scratch horses without physical excuses at scratch time, down to a minimum of eight (8) betting interests. This privilege shall be determined by lot if an excessive number of owners or trainers wish to scratch their horses.


A horse that has been scratched or excused from starting by the stewards because of a physical disability or sickness shall be placed on the corporation's veterinarian list for six (6) calendar days beginning the day after the horse was scratched or excused.


Each association shall keep records and statistics documenting the effect upon field sizes of the six (6) day veterinarian list requirement in subsection (4) of this section. Records and statistics kept pursuant to this section shall be retained by the licensed racing association for at least one (1) year.

Section 16.

Official Publication Statistics. In determining eligibility, allowances and penalties, the reports, records, and statistics as published in the Daily Racing Form or similar publication as the corporation considers appropriate to advise the public and the monthly chart books, or corresponding official publications of any foreign country, shall be considered official, but may be corrected until forty-five (45) minutes prior to post time of the race.

Section 17.

Examination by Attending Veterinarian.


Subject to the exception in subsection (4) of this section, a horse shall only be entered if:


The horse has been examined by an attending veterinarian licensed by the veterinary regulatory body in the jurisdiction where the examination occurs no more than three (3) days prior to entry;


The attending veterinarian certifies in writing that the horse is in serviceable, sound racing condition; and


The written certification is provided to the Equine Medical Director or designee no later than the time of entry.


The examination required by subsection (1)(a) of this section shall include watching the horse jog in hand.


If the attending veterinarian who examines the horse prescribes a diagnostic test as part of the evaluation of the horse's soundness, the results of the test shall be provided to the corporation's veterinarian no later than one (1) day before the horse is set to start.


If a racing secretary contacts a trainer to fill a race, the trainer may enter a horse prior to obtaining the examination and written certification required in this section, if the certification required in this section is provided to the Equine Medical Director or designee on the day that the horse is entered.

HISTORY: (45 Ky.R. 1919; 3116; eff. 5-31-2019; 46 Ky.R. 2522; 2973; 47 Ky.R. 69; eff. 8-25-2020; 47 Ky.R. 1277; eff. 7-6-2021; 48 Ky.R. 2629; eff. 10-4-2022; 50 Ky.R. 473, 1125, 1286; eff. 3-5-2024; TAm eff. 7-1-2024.)

FILED WITH LRC: July 1, 2024

7-Year Expiration: 3/5/2031

Last Updated: 7/2/2024

Page Generated: 9/19/2024, 12:15:11 PM