Title 810 | Chapter 007 | Regulation 050

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Kentucky Horse Racing Commission
(Amended at ARRS Committee)

810 KAR 7:050.Kentucky Horse Breeders' Incentive Fund.

Section 1.



"Applicant" means a Kentucky affiliate representing a breed of horses thatwhich is eligible to register with the commission to participate in the Kentucky Horse Breeders' Incentive Fund.


"Award distribution plan" means a plan submitted by a Kentucky affiliate to the commission outlining the procedures by which the Kentucky affiliate will award funds from the Kentucky Horse Breeders' Incentive Fund to incentive winners who are members of the Kentucky affiliate.


"Breed" means a subspecies of horse with particular physical characteristics common to the subspecies thatwhich are used in establishing the identity of a horse by a registry recognized by the commission.


"Breeder" means:


A person or persons engaged in the breeding of horses eligible for the Kentucky Horse Breeders' Incentive Fund, as defined by the national association of the Kentucky affiliate recognized by the commission as a participant in the Kentucky Horse Breeders' Incentive Fund program; or


If the national association does not define "breeder", the owner of the dam of a horse when the horse was foaled.


"Closed breed registry" means the restrictions of the official national breed registry recognized by the Kentucky Horse Breeders' Incentive Fund.


"Contest" means a competitive event with an outcome thatwhich qualifies the owner of a horse as an incentive winner under a Kentucky affiliate's award distribution plan.


"Incentive winner" means a person whose horse's performance in a contest entitles that person to an award from the Kentucky Horse Breeders' Incentive Fund.


"Kentucky affiliate" means the Kentucky organization that is recognized by a national breed organization representing that particular breed of horse in Kentucky.


"Kentucky Horse Breeders' Incentive Fund" means the trust and revolving fund established by KRS 230.804.


"KHBIF" means the Kentucky Horse Breeders' Incentive Fund.


"Show horse" means a horse that participates in judged exhibition competitions.

Section 2.

Registration of Kentucky Affiliate.


Only a Kentucky affiliate may register to participate in the KHBIF.


Kentucky affiliates shall have an Internal Revenue Service 501(c) designation.


To become eligible to receive funds from the KHBIF, a Kentucky affiliate shall register with the commission by:


Filing an "Application for Registration of Kentucky Affiliate with the Kentucky Horse Breeders' Incentive Fund", KHRC Form 7-050-1HB-1, (10/2021)(12/08); and


Filing with the application an award distribution plan to be reviewed and approved by the commission.


A thoroughbred breed shall not be eligible for registration with the KHBIF, unless the thoroughbred breed consists exclusively of show horses.


A standardbred breed shall not be eligible for registration with the KHBIF, unless the standardbred breed consists exclusively of show horses.


The color of a breed of horses shall not be the sole criterion used to define that breed for purposes of registration with the KHBIF.


The commission may establish, under its general jurisdiction, the KHBIF Advisory Committee (the "advisory committee"). If established, the advisory committee shall consist of three (3) members appointed by the chairman of the commission by July 1 of each year. One (1) member shall be recommended to the chairman for appointment by the Kentucky Equine Education Project (KEEP). If KEEP has not recommended a member for appointment by July 1 of a given year, the Chairman of the commission shall make the appointment without the recommendation. At least one (1) member of the advisory committee shall have established knowledge of gaited horses. Each member of the advisory committee shall serve from July 1 through June 30 of the following year. Each member of the advisory committee shall be a resident of Kentucky. Each member of the advisory committee shall serve without compensation, but shall be entitled to reimbursement for all reasonable expenses incurred in the discharge of official business. The advisory committee shall select a chairman from its membership annually.




The advisory committee shall advise and assist the commission in the registration process described in this section. The advisory committee shall make a recommendation of approval or denial to the commission for each applicant based upon the application and compliance with the requirements established in subsection (13) of this section.


The commission shall employ qualified personnel necessary to assist the commission and the advisory committee in carrying out the provisions of this administrative regulation. These personnel shall serve at the pleasure of the commission, and compensation for these personnel shall be fixed by the commission.


After the advisory committee recommends to the commission the approval or denial of an application, the commission shall consider the recommendation and whether or not the requirements of this administrative regulation have been met, and shall:


Approve the application;


Deny the application; or


Defer consideration of the application for a reasonable time for the purpose of conducting further investigation of the application.


Registration shall be effective for three (3) years. The first three (3) year registration period shall consist of the period beginning January 1, 2022, and ending December 31, 2024.


For the first registration period, a Kentucky affiliate shall register with the commission on or prior to November 1, 2021. Any Kentucky affiliate that registered with the commission under any previously effective version of this administrative regulation shall reregister.


For each three (3) year period beginning on or after January 1, 2022, a Kentucky affiliate shall register with the commission on or prior to November 1 of the calendar year immediately preceding January 1 of the first year of the three (3) year registration period.


A Kentucky affiliate shall have until December 31 following the November 1 deadline established in subsections (11) and (12) of this section to revise and update any information previously provided to the commission on or before the November 1 deadline.


The application and the accompanying award distribution plan provided to the commission shall include the following information:


The name of the breed of horse covered by the plan;


The name of the Kentucky affiliate;


A letter from the national breed organization representing the breed certifying that the Kentucky affiliate is the recognized representative in Kentucky of that breed, and certifying the number of horses twenty-five (25) years of age and younger in the breed residing in Kentucky. If the Kentucky affiliate is the national breed organization, then an independent third party approved by the commission shall certify the number of horses. Optionally, if the Kentucky affiliate demonstrates to the commission that it is unable to obtain an independent third party to certify horse numbers as required in this subsection, the commission may certify horse numbers at a fee of $120 per hour.


For a horse to be included in the certification, the horse shall be the result of parentage verified by DNA verification of either the horse's sire or dam. A three (3) generation pedigree on one (1) side shall be displayed on the certificate of registration, so that the horse, at least one (1) of the horse's parents, and at least (1) set of the horse's grandparents are displayed on the certificate.


Each horse shall receive claim money frombe registered with only one (1) Kentucky affiliate per year.


The affiliate shall provide the data electronically to the commission and in a format agreeable to the commission;


A letter from the national breed organization representing the breed certifying that the breed has a closed breed registry; and


The award distribution plan pursuant to which awards will be distributed to KHBIF incentive winners who are breeders or owners of horses bred and foaled in Kentucky. The award distribution plan shall specify:


The scoring method or point system to be utilized in contests to determine the incentive winner of each contest as certified by the national breed organization;


The identity of the scoring person or body that will judge each contest as certified by the national breed organization;


The rules of the contests in which the horses of the breed will participate as certified by the national breed organization; and


The percentage distribution formula by which the Kentucky affiliate shall grant awards to incentive winners.




The commission shall be recognized and designated as the sole official registrar of the KHBIF for the purposes of registering the application and award distribution plan for each breed in accordance with the terms of this administrative regulation.


The records of each national breed organization shall be used as the official records of the commission for determining the following information:


The identity of the Kentucky affiliate representing the breed in Kentucky; and


The number of horses of the breed twenty-five (25) years of age and younger registered with the national breed organization and currently residing in Kentucky.


If the information on an application form required under this section is found to be inaccurate, or becomes inaccurate, or changes, the organization identified as the Kentucky affiliate shall promptly notify the commission of the correct information within thirty (30) days of discovering the inaccuracy or the circumstances causing the information to become inaccurate or to change.

Section 3.

Timing and Distribution of Awards.


The events eligible for awards from the KHBIF, as set forth in each award distribution plan, shall be those occurring on or after January 1, 2006.


Awards to incentive winners shall be calculated and distributed each year.


The commission, with the cooperation of each Kentucky affiliate shall, after the end of each calendar year, calculate the funds due to each Kentucky affiliate for that year.


The amount allocated to a Kentucky affiliate participating in the KHBIF shall be calculated by:


Dividing the number of horses of the breed twenty-five (25) years of age and younger and currently residing in Kentucky as certified by the national breed organization pursuant to Section 2(14)(c) of this administrative regulation, by the total number of horses from all Kentucky affiliates certified pursuant to Section 2(14)(c) of this administrative regulation. The number of horses in each case shall be the number of horses recorded on each Kentucky affiliate's application form on the December 31 deadline established in Section 2(13) of this administrative regulation; and


Multiplying the fraction obtained in paragraph (a) by the total amount of money allocated to all Kentucky affiliates during the year.


An award to an incentive winner from the KHBIF shall be determined based on the award distribution plan submitted by the Kentucky affiliate representing the breed to the commission pursuant to Section 2(3)(2)(b) of this administrative regulation.


The commission shall, by March 1 of each year, notify the Kentucky affiliate of the total dollars allocated to that affiliate.


Kentucky affiliate shall, by October 1 of each year, notify the commission of the names of the incentive winners who are entitled to awards for contests held during the previous year. The Kentucky affiliate shall also, by October 1 of each year, notify the commission of the names of the horses registered to that affiliate, and the date of each horse's registration. If a horse is registered with more than one (1) affiliate, the commission shall not count that horse's award, and the funds for that award shall revert back to the KHBIF to be distributed in future awards.


Within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving the names of the incentive winners from the Kentucky affiliate, the commission shall generate claim forms for the appropriate Kentucky affiliate.


The Kentucky affiliate shall provide the claim forms received from the commission to its incentive winners from the previous year.


The Kentucky affiliate shall provide a letter to the commission, which certifies that it has notified all incentive winners of their awards from the previous year. The commission shall not issue an award check for any of that Kentucky affiliate's incentive winners prior to receiving this letter.


After receiving notification of an award, each incentive winner shall return an enclosed claim form for the award that certifies that the incentive winner is entitled to the award and that certifies the incentive winner's taxpayer ID number or Social Security number. The claim form shall be delivered to the commission no later than December 31 of the same year in which the commission notified the incentive winner of the award pursuant to subsection (7) of this section.


The claim form shall be the form "Claim Form of Incentive Winner for Award from the Kentucky Horse Breeders' Incentive Fund", KHRC Form 7-050-2HB-2, (10/2021)(12/06).


Failure to return the claim form required by subsection (8) of this section by December 31 of the year in which the incentive winner was notified of the award pursuant to subsection (7) of this section shall result in forfeiture of the award, and the award money shall lapse to the KHBIF.


An award from the KHBIF shall not be granted to any incentive winner who is not in good standing with the national breed organization or Kentucky affiliate.

Section 4.

Semiannual Reports.


A semiannual status report describing a Kentucky affiliate's progress and participation in the award distribution plan shall be filed with the advisory committee by each Kentucky affiliate on or before July 31 and January 31. If that date is on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the report shall be due on the first business day thereafter.


The semiannual report shall also include:


A list of all stallions presently breeding horses eligible to participate in the fund, and the farm locations on which the stallions stand;


A schedule of all state and national contests for that year in which horses eligible to participate in the KHBIF are scheduled to participate;


A list of all horses registered with the Kentucky affiliate and the horse's date of registration with that affiliate;


A current list of the Kentucky affiliate's board members; and


The current contact information of the Kentucky affiliate's preferred contacts.

Section 5.



Any dispute between the commission and a Kentucky affiliate or national breed organization arising under this administrative regulation shall be raised by the aggrieved party filing a petition seeking relief with the executive director of the commission, within thirty (30) days of the action or the inaction leading to the dispute, as established in 810 KAR 7:070.


If the executive director and the aggrieved party do not agree on a resolution of the dispute, the executive director shall assign the case to a hearing officer who shall conduct a hearing pursuant to KRS Chapter 13B.

Section 6.

Disciplinary Procedures.


Violations, discipline, disputes, and investigation shall take place according to 810 KAR 7:070.


In addition to the procedures established in 810 KAR 7:070, and notwithstanding any contrary provisions of 810 KAR 7:070, the commission may take the following actions, which would be subject to appeal as established in 810 KAR 7:070:


For a violation of 810 KAR 7:070, the commission may bar a Kentucky affiliate or national breed organization from registering for a period of from one (1) to ten (10) years, based on the seriousness of the violation.


For a second or subsequent violation of 810 KAR 7:070, the commission may bar the Kentucky affiliate or national breed organization from eligibility to receive an incentive from the KHBIF for a period of from one (1) to twenty (20) years.


If the evidence available to the commission indicates that an individual who is a member of, or acting on behalf of, a Kentucky affiliate or national breed organization has, without the knowledge or consent of the Kentucky affiliate or national breed organization, violated 810 KAR 7:070, then the commission may condition the continuing registration of the Kentucky affiliate in the KHBIF upon the exclusion of that individual from any further participation in work related to the KHBIF.

Section 7.

Incorporation by Reference.


The following material is incorporated by reference:


"Application for Registration of Kentucky Affiliate with the Kentucky Horse Breeders' Incentive Fund", KHRC 7-050-1, (10/2021)KHRC Form HB-1, (12/08); and


"Claim Form of Incentive Winner for Award from the Kentucky Horse Breeders' Incentive Fund", KHRC 7-050-02, (10/2021)KHRC Form HB-2, (12/08).


This material may be inspected, copied, or obtained, subject to applicable copyright law, at the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission, 4063 Iron Works Pike, Building B, Lexington, Kentucky 40511, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


This material may also be obtained from the KHRC Web site at www.khrc.ky.gov.

HISTORY: (33 Ky.R. 2242; 3201; eff. 5-4-2007; 35 Ky.R. 1914; 2743; eff. 7-6-2009; 47 Ky.R. 867, 1582; eff. 5-4-2021; Recodified from 811 KAR 2:120, 5-6-2021; 48 Ky.R. 2282, 2732; eff. 8-2-2022.)

FILED WITH LRC: April 13, 2022
CONTACT PERSON: Jennifer Wolsing, General Counsel, Kentucky Horse Racing Commission, 4063 Iron Works Parkway, Building B, Lexington, Kentucky 40511, phone +1 (859) 246-2040, fax +1 (859) 246-2039, email jennifer.wolsing@ky.gov.

7-Year Expiration: 8/2/2029

Last Updated: 7/2/2024

Page Generated: 9/19/2024, 12:15:11 PM