Title 902 | Chapter 010 | Regulation 140

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902 KAR 10:140.On-site sewage disposal system installer certification program standards.

Section 1.



"Approved" is defined by KRS 211.970(1).


"Cabinet" is defined by KRS 211.015(1)(a).


"Certification level" means the level of technical skills and knowledge attained by an installer as categorized below:


"Provisional" or "Probationary level" means the certification entry level for an installer as specified in KRS 211.357(2) and Section 2(3) of this administrative regulation;


"Full level" means the certification level attained by an installer as specified in KRS 211.357(2) and Section 2(4) of this administrative regulation;


"Advanced level" means the certification level attained by an installer as specified in Section 2(5) of this administrative regulation; and


"Master level" means the certification level attained by an installer as specified in Section 2(6) of this administrative regulation.


"Certified inspector" means a person employed by the cabinet or by a local health department who has met the requirements for certification contained in KRS 211.360.


"Certified installer" means a specific individual person who has met the requirements for certification contained in KRS 211.357 and the certification maintenance requirements contained in this administrative regulation.


"Competency" means an acceptable level of professional conduct, workmanship, and technical knowledge in the design and installation of on-site sewage disposal systems.


"On-site sewage disposal system", "on-site sewage system", or "on-site system" means a complete system installed on a parcel of land, under the control or ownership of any person, that accepts sewage for treatment and ultimate disposal under the surface of the ground, including:


A conventional system consisting of a sewage pretreatment unit or units, distribution devices, and lateral piping within rock-filled trenches or beds;


A modified system consisting of a conventional system enhanced by shallower trench or bed placement, artificial drainage systems, dosing, alternating lateral fields, fill soil over the lateral field, or other necessary modifications to the site, system, or wasteload to overcome site limitations;


An alternative system consisting of a sewage pretreatment unit or units, necessary site modifications, wasteload modifications, and a subsurface soil treatment and dispersal system using other methods and technologies than a conventional or modified system to overcome site limitations;


A cluster system; and


A holding tank that provides limited pretreatment and storage for off-site disposal where site limitations preclude immediate installation of a subsurface soil treatment and dispersal system, or connection to a municipal sewer.


"Person" is defined by KRS 211.970(6).

Section 2.

Application for Certification.


A person shall not offer services to construct, install, alter, or repair on-site sewage disposal systems without:


Meeting the application requirement of this administrative regulation; and


Obtaining a valid certification card from the cabinet.


Certification shall be:


Nontransferable from one (1) person to another;


Valid statewide subject to the provisions of KRS 211.357 and this administrative regulation; and


Renewed annually by submitting to the Environmental Management Branch a certification fee of forty-five (45) dollars by check or money order made payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer.




A person seeking provisional or probationary level certification shall:


Be of legal age to conduct business in Kentucky;


Have sufficient skills and knowledge of administrative regulations and construction techniques to pass a minimum competency examination;


Submit a completed DFS-303, Application for Certification or Registration, incorporated by reference in 902 KAR 45:065, to the local health department;


Provide proof of liability insurance; and


Pay the test registration fee of twenty-five (25) dollars by check or money order made payable to the local health department.


A passing score of at least seventy (70) percent shall be achieved on the exam.


An individual failing to achieve a passing score may retake the exam by re-registering and submitting another registration fee.


An individual who passes the exam shall submit to the Environmental Management Branch a forty-five (45) dollar certification fee by check or money order made payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer.


A person seeking full level certification shall:


Have continuously maintained provisional or probationary level status in good standing;


Meet the requirements as specified in KRS 211.357(2);


Submit the documentation required in subsection (3)(a)3. and 4. of this section; and


Maintain requirements for certification as specified in Section 4 of this administrative regulation.


A person seeking advanced level certification shall:


Have continuously maintained full level status in good standing;


Submit the documentation required in subsection (3)(a)3. and 4. of this section;


Complete the necessary training workshops with passing scores on workshop tests to obtain advanced level certification as required by the cabinet; and


Maintain requirements for certification as specified in Section 4 of this administrative regulation.


A person seeking master level certification shall:


Have continuously maintained advanced level status in good standing;


Submit the documentation required in subsection (3)(a)3. and 4. of this section;




Installed a minimum of two (2) systems as specified in Section 3(4) of this administrative regulation; and


Submit written verification of passed inspection from a certified inspector employed by the local health department having jurisdiction; and


Maintain requirements for certification as specified in Section 4 of this administrative regulation.


A certified installer advancing to the next level certification shall submit the documentation required by subsections (4), (5), and (6) of this section, and to the Environmental Management Branch a certification fee of forty-five (45) dollars by check or money order made payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer.

Section 3.

Certification Level Standards. Certification level standards shall be limited to on-site systems that utilize only the following:


Provisional or probationary certification level is limited to residential, on-site systems utilizing:


Gravity distribution;


Rock-filled trenches or beds;


Leaching chamber trenches or beds; or


Evaporation-absorption lagoons.


Full certification level is able to install residential, commercial, industrial, or public facility systems utilizing:




Dosed systems;


Fill and wait systems;


Leaching chambers at grade; or


Constructed wetlands; and


Provisional or probationary certification level system listings.


Advanced certification level is able to install residential, commercial, industrial, or public facility systems utilizing:




Low pressure pipe systems;




Drip irrigation;


Advanced treatment;


Experimental technology; or


Cluster systems; and


Provisional, probationary, and full certification level system listings.


Master certification level is able to install residential, commercial, industrial, or public facility systems utilizing provisional, probationary, full, and advanced certification level system listings.

Section 4.

Maintenance of Certification.


Each person holding a valid certification under KRS 211.357 shall be required to:


Attend training workshops offered by the cabinet to maintain certification and improve competency based on the level of certification attained;


Maintain and submit proof of liability insurance annually to the local health department; and


Annually pay the certification fee as required by Section 2(3)(d) of this administrative regulation.


An installer whose certification has expired shall:


Comply with subsection (1) of this section;


Submit proof of completion of continuing education units; and


Receive a renewal certification card prior to installing an on-site sewage system.




For provisional, probationary, full, and advanced certification levels, a minimum of two (2) training workshops for a total of six (6) approved continuing education units per year with passing scores on workshop tests shall meet certification maintenance requirements.


For master certification level, a minimum of two (2) training workshops for a total of six (6) approved continuing education units every two (2) years with passing scores on workshop tests shall meet certification maintenance requirements.


Attendance at workshops, seminars, or conferences not sponsored by the cabinet may be substituted on a one (1) for one (1) basis to meet certification maintenance requirements at the determination of the cabinet. Requests for consideration of other training for substitution shall be based upon the following:


Submission of a copy of the training agenda, speaker or presenter biographies, and course outlines; and


Submission of proof of attendance and results of any testing or other performance measurement with verification by the training sponsor.


Upon receipt of a request for training substitution the cabinet shall compare that training for equivalency with similar training it provides. If equivalency is demonstrated, the cabinet shall accept that training for substitution as specified in subsection (4) of this section.


Any person failing to meet certification maintenance requirements shall be subject to administration action under Section 7 of this administrative regulation and KRS 211.357(4).

Section 5.



The cabinet shall develop and implement a series of training workshops for certified installers in the areas of on-site sewage disposal system design, technology, application, and function.


Training workshops shall be conducted throughout the state at frequencies, times, and locations necessary to provide all certified installers a reasonable opportunity to attend a number of workshops sufficient to maintain certification.


A schedule of training workshops, including dates, times, location, and topics shall be prepared and made available to all certified installers to notify them of training opportunities and allow for scheduling attendance.


A series of training courses shall be developed including instructor and student manuals, and other audiovisual and written materials.


The cabinet may charge a reasonable fee at each training workshop to support program costs.


The cabinet shall establish, through grants or contracts, a training staff composed of local health department fully certified inspectors to conduct training workshops on a regional basis. These local instructors shall serve as supplemental staff to the cabinet and act under the direct supervision of the cabinet.


Training workshops for staff and supplemental staff instructors shall be conducted to assure uniformity of training for certified installers.


The cabinet may contract with other governmental agencies, private consultants, or professional organizations for specialized instructor services.

Section 6.

Materials and Equipment.


Each training course shall be developed into a training materials packet consisting of the following:


Course outline;


Instructor script;


Trainee guide;


Audiovisual materials;


Trainee worksheets and reference sheets;




Instructor comment sheet; and


Trainee comment sheet.


A complete training materials packet, in hardcopy or digital format shall be provided to each instructor for each course.


A training material packet, excluding subsection (1)(b), (d), and (g) of this section, shall be provided to each trainee for each course.


Sufficient stocks of instructor and trainee material packets shall be maintained for each course to meet demand.


Audiovisual equipment shall be available to each instructor.

Section 7.



Failure of any certified installer to comply with the requirements of KRS 211.350, 211.357(4) and (5), 902 KAR 10:081, 902 KAR 10:085, or this administrative regulation shall result in administrative action being taken.


A minimum six (6) months probationary period shall be assigned to any certified installer who:


Fails final inspection on any two (2) consecutive systems that require follow-up inspections before approval is granted;


Backfills any system before final inspection is conducted and approval to backfill is given;


Fails final inspection on any system that results in reconstruction of the system before approval can be given;


Fails to place, cause to be placed, or fails to supervise placement of any required additional fill soil over an installed system;


Fails to call for final inspection of any system;


Fails to be present on the site anytime work is being performed on the system under construction;


Fails to provide name, certification number, and notification of intent on application of permit when performing excavation and backfilling work on permitted homeowner installations; or


Performs work on any system outside of the designated certification level.


Probation may be assigned to a certified installer by the cabinet or by the certified inspector having local jurisdiction. Terms of the probationary period shall stipulate any restrictions, requirements, or additional training determined necessary to correct performance.


For other violations, the provisions of KRS 211.357(4) and (5) relating to suspension or revocation of certification shall apply.


In all instances of administrative action being taken for probation, suspension, or revocation, a certified installer shall have the right to request an administrative conference. The request shall be submitted in writing on form DFS-212 - Request for Conference, incorporated by reference in 902 KAR 1:400, to the local health department having jurisdiction or to the cabinet. All administrative conferences shall be conducted pursuant to 902 KAR 1:400.


If immediate legal action is necessary to prevent the creation or continuance of a health hazard, damage to the environment, or compel compliance with KRS 211.350(5), (7), (8), and (9), 211.357(4) and (5), or administrative regulations pursuant to those statutes, the cabinet or local health department concerned may maintain, in its own name, injunctive action against any person engaged in the construction, installation, or alteration of an on-site sewage disposal system.


The cabinet shall be notified within two (2) business days of any administrative action taken by a local health department against any certified installer, so that other local health departments can be alerted to that installer's status.

HISTORY: (18 Ky.R. 579; 1888; eff. 1-10-1992; 22 Ky.R. 2392; eff. 8-1-1996; Crt eff. 11-18-2019; 47 Ky.R. 1288, 1970; eff. 6-16-2021; 48 Ky.R. 3088; 49 Ky.R. 575; eff. 9-28-2022.)

FILED WITH LRC: August 9, 2022
CONTACT PERSON: Krista Quarles, Policy Specialist, Office of Legislative and Regulatory Affairs, 275 East Main Street 5 W-A, Frankfort, Kentucky 40621; phone 502-564-6746; fax 502-564-7091; email CHFSregs@ky.gov.

7-Year Expiration: 9/28/2029

Last Updated: 3/11/2025

Page Generated: 2/4/2025, 3:28:47 PM