Public Salaries

WWW Version

City and county police, awarding of compensatory time in lieu of overtime pay - HB 609
Compensation of mayors in cities of the second to fifth class - HB 215; HB 215: HFA (3)
Correctional employee career retention program - HB 184
County coroners, salary schedule for - HB 661
Department of Veterans' Affairs, direct-care employees, exempt from salary schedules - HB 642
Dept. of Corrections employees, new classification and compensation system for - HB 49
Embalmers and funeral directors' board, per diem increase - SB 293
Full-time mayor, delete description as "executive and administrative office" - HB 215: HCA(1)
Juror, pay increase for - HB 403
KLEFP fund, State Police included in - HB 415

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