 service - HB 550: HCS, HFA (1)
 technology, deployment - HB 550
Cell phones, EMS, In Case of Emergency program, implementation of - HCR 22
 Board, transferred to Office of Homeland Security - SB 59: HFA (1)
 Board, transferred to the Office of Homeland Security - SB 59: HCS
 fund, changes to disbursement allocation and protocols - HB 656
 fund, restore language requiring collection by wireless companies - HB 656: HCS
Democracy in Ethiopia, urge President and Congress to encourage - HR 98
Education technology interoperability, mandate - SB 228
Emergency 911 service, service charge on prepaid wireless users - HB 656: FCCR
Enhanced 911, changes to board, appointment of work group - HB 656: SCS
 benefits made available to the public, restoration of certain - HB 622: HFA (1)
 care data, consumer access to - HB 622
Interlocal agreements, provide incentives for enhanced 9-11 services - HB 119: HCS
Mobile Data Infrastructure, upkeep and maintenance - HB 380: SCA (1)
Telecommunication device for the deaf, funding - HB 468; HB 468: HFA (1)
Telemarketing, Do Not Call Registry - HB 536
 companies, alternative regulation - HB 337; HB 337: HCS, HFA (1),(2)
 deregulation, define and prohibit predatory pricing - HB 337: SFA (3)
 deregulation, no application to populations below 100,000 - HB 337: SFA (1)
 deregulation, terms and conditions must be written - HB 337: SFA (2)
 records, unauthorized use, crime, civil action, creation of - SB 232
 regulation, predatory pricing prohibited - HB 337: HFA (3)
 device, prohibit use while operating a motor vehicle - HB 9, 635
 device, prohibit use while operating a school bus - HB 714
 enhanced emergency 911 systems, payment for - SB 53