

WWW Version

Certificate of death, registered nurses and physician assistants authorized to sign - SB 198
certificate, certified copy, complete request in five days - SB 50
penalty task force, established - HCR 88
Penalty, abolition of - HB 200
Deceased dentists, contract with others to continue provision of services - SB 26: SFA (1),(2)
Dentists, contract with others to continue provision of service - SB 26
Limitation of action in wrongful death - HB 434
Military burial rights, publicize - HB 280
Motor vehicle, driving while fatigued - HB 150
Uniform emergency volunteer health practitioners act, provision for - HB 287
United States Armed Forces, Kentucky member of, death benefits - HB 522
statistics, allow signatures in black or blue ink - SB 198
statistics, death certificates - SB 198: SCS
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