A slate of candidates in runoff, permitted to withdraw - HB 542
Board of Medical Licensure, appointments to - SB 162
Boards and commissions, appointments to achieve gender equity allowed - HB 4
Challenging the bona fides of a candidate, procedure for - SB 54: SCS (1),(2), SCA (1); HB 131: SFA (1)
Contributions, expenditures, and reporting, changes to - SB 159
Criminal history record checks, conduct of - HB 264, 308
Deputy adjutants general, appointment of - SB 185
Eligibility requirements for restoration of voting rights for felons, establishment of - HB 67: HFA (1)
 Order 2006-680, confirmation of Personnel Cabinet reorganization - SB 58
 Order 2006-693, 2006-1195, and 2006-1550 - SB 79
 order, permit Governor to implement by - HB 228
 Assembly, committee to wait upon Governor - HR 3
 Assembly, to wait upon Governor - SR 4
Governor's Advisory Committee on International Relations, abolished - SB 55
Kentucky Cardiovascular Disease Initiative and board, appointments - HB 185; HB 185: HFA (1)
Lieutenant Governor, nomination of, delay until after primary - HB 488
Office of Energy Policy, Executive Order 2006-1299 - SB 85
 and commutations of sentences, establish limits to - HB 3; HB 70: HCS
 and commutations of sentences, process for, change - HB 3
 Board, Joey F. Stanton, confirmation of appointment - SR 181
 Board, Michael D. Grugin, confirmation of appointment - SR 182
 Board, Patricia Ann Turpin, confirmation of reappointment - SR 198
 Board, William I. Abney, confirmation of appointment - SR 187
Restoration of civil rights, constitutional amendment to provide - SB 15
 elections, elimination of - HB 224
 primary, elimination of - HB 476: SCS
Secretary of State's annual report on patents, repeal of - HB 464
Technical correction - HB 224: HCA (1)