Effective Dates, Delayed

August 1, 2008

BR 1011, August 1, 2008

BR 1355, July 1, 2009

BR 1643, August 1, 2008

BR 1891, effective August 1, 2008

BR 1961

BR 2143, March 1, 2009

BR 911, Section 6, effective August 1, 2008

Death benefits for certain public employees, tie to federal benefit rate

Delivery charges, exempt from sales and use tax, August 1, 2008

Durable medical equipment, exemption from sales and use tax, August 1, 2008

Election of judges, preferential voting system, November 6, 2013, and January 1, 2014

Electrician biennial license renewal, January 1, 2009

Felony prisoners, state financial responsibility for

Gross revenues, redefine to exclude certain sales of communication service

HB 614 HCS

Identity theft, data protection, omnibus revision

"In God We Trust" license plate, January 1, 2009

In God We Trust special license plates, 1/1/09

January 1, 2009

July 1, 2009, July 1, 2010

Lineups by law enforcement, conduct of

Long-term care insurance rates, intervention, filing and approval

Motor vehicle usage tax, exempt 100 percent disabled veterans

Other tobacco products wholesale excise tax, little cigar or small cigar, define

Over-the-counter drug, sales and use tax, exempt from

Pilot programs for elections by mail-in ballots, establishment of

Real estate brokerage, cooperation agreements allowing out-of-state brokers to practice

Sales and use tax, exempt lp gas and natural gas used in commercial greenhouse or nursery

Sales and use tax, exemption of drugs for animals, August 1, 2008

Sales and use tax, streamlined sales tax agreement, conforming changes, August 1, 2008

Sales by churches, exempt from sales and use tax, August 1, 2008

Sex-based wage discrimination, prohibited on comparable jobs, effective July 1, 2009

Straw, wood shavings, sawdust, exempt from sales and use tax

Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act, adopt

Workers' compensation, AMA Guides, usage of

Last updated: 8/28/2019 8:09 AM (EDT)