
American flag, made only in the USA, urged to be flown

Appointment, cabinet secretary, Health & Family Services

Apprenticeship and Training Council, revise membership and terms

Board of physical therapy, appoint members of

Board of physical therapy, appointment members of

Boards and commissions, appointments to achieve gender equity allowed

Commission on Small Business Advocacy, attach to Office of the Governor

Committee to wait upon the Governor, appointment of

Contributions, expenditures, and reporting, guidelines for

Electronic filing, requirements established

Extraordinary session of General Assembly, compensation during adjournment

Ford Motor Plants, commending efforts to retain

Gubernatorial Debate Commission, establish

KARDA, board membership, changes to

KARDA, responsibilities of

Legal defense trust, creation and requirements of

Legislation, date of approval

Lieutenant Governor, designation of candidate by candidate for Governor

Pardons and commutations of sentences, process for

Penal Code, Kentucky, commission to study

Public advocate, deputy public advocate, selection, salary

Runoff elections, elimination of

Runoff primary for gubernatorial states, elimination of

Slate of candidates, when selected

State/Executive Branch Budget, appropriation of

State/Executive Branch Budget Memorandum

State/Executive Branch Budget Memorandum, attachment of

Last updated: 8/28/2019 8:09 AM (EDT)