Fish and Wildlife

All new or amended fish and wildlife regulations, require news releases for

Animal identification, bar unjustifiable removal of

Cervids, Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, regulation by

Cervids, Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, scope of authority for

Cervids, importation of

Cervids, regulation of

Deadly weapons, permit carry and use for defense while hunting, fishing, trapping

Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, assistance, authorization to provide to Foundation

Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, Foundation, staffing for

Environmentally beneficial projects, definition of

Ferrets, possession of, technical correction

Horseback riding trails, direct agency to designate

Hunting, carrying firearms, provisions for

Hunting, fishing, and trapping, use and carrying of firearms

Hunting without permission on lands of another, increase penalties for

Lake Cumberland, resolution encouraging federal management of

Lifetime combination hunting and fishing permit, senior citizens, authorization for

Noncaptive wildlife, restrict drug use on

Oil and gas operations, state-owned and university-owned lands, study of

Raymer, Kyle, 2008 National Guard Junior World Fishing Champion

Self-defense, carrying firearms while hunting, fishing, or trapping

Study mining of and impacts to streams and forests in E.O. Robinson Forest

Wildlife drug administration, add exception for

Wildlife identification number for trap tagging, allowing use of

Last updated: 8/28/2019 8:17 AM (EDT)