Mental Health

Abuse treatment, residential contract for therapeutic home

Air therapist board, disciplinary actions, civil penalties, and appeals regarding

Art therapists, license and license exemptions, requirement for

Autism spectrum disorders, health coverage for

Bill Francis, designation of highway in honor of in Floyd County

Counselors, trained to treat persons with dependency issues

Drug and alcohol rehabilitation trust fund, creation of

Family Trust Program, establishment of special needs trust program for the disabled

Health and Family Services secretary, appointment

KY Recreational Trails Authority, add member of the Brain Injury Association

Mental disorder or disability, severe, define defendant as

Mental incompetency, study of in criminal defense situations

Practice of psychology, licensing for

Pregnancy resources centers, financial assistance to

Problem gamblers awareness and treatment fund, creation of

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Substance abuse treatment, residential, contract for therapeutic home

Substance abuse treatment, residential, permit to contract for

Suicide prevention awareness and training information, requirement for

Suicide Prevention Week

Suicide Prevention Week, declare

Last updated: 8/28/2019 8:17 AM (EDT)