Charitable Organizations and Institutions

"2-1-1" service in Kentucky, direct Public Service Commission study of

Charitable gaming, compensation for charity employees engaged in the conduct and administration of

Charitable gaming, mandatory training program, requirement for

Charitable gaming, revenue generation and regulation

Charitable pharmacy services, pharmacy technicians, waive application fee for

Charitable pharmacy services, waive application fee for volunteer-only pharmacy technicians

Charities operating in Haiti following earthquake, support for

Charity game tickets, hours of play, extension

Community philanthropy, promotion of

Endow Kentucky tax credit, reduce cap on

Fiduciary responsibilities and prudent investment standards, modernize

Local revenue bonds, definition of "building" or "industrial building"

Nonprofit motor vehicle dealers, licensing procedures, creation of

Nonprofit motor vehicle dealers, require salespersons licenses for

Special FOP license plates, extra fee directed to the death benefit fund

Last updated: 8/28/2019 7:34 AM (EDT)