Public Records and Reports

911 communication, procedure for obtaining

Accident reports, open records, exemption from

Child's misdemeanor sex offense records provision to school, when

Deeds, recording of with map index numbers

Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Resources, financial records open to public

Economic development and tourism project expenditure report

Entities affiliated with local government officials, operating requirements

Expungement of record when person found innocent

Expungement of records,criminal history

Gang, criminal

Identification cards for homeless, provide for

Instruments filed, certification that Social Security numbers excluded

Juvenile court proceedings, open to public, pilot projects

Juvenile Justice, records, access

Law enforcement agency, report VIN on stolen items to NCIC

Legislative financial disclosure forms, client or customer identity disclosure

Local governments, associations representing, disclosure of records by

Methamphetamine precursors

Organizations composed of city and county officials, open records requirements

Organizations of city and county officials, expenditure records

Public information, child fatality, disclosure of

Publications, distribution and online filing of

Publications, distribution of, advertisement of agency or service, exception for

State retirement systems, bodies participating in, open records law, application of

Vital statistics, delayed birth certificate, correcting errors on

Vital statistics, delayed birth certificate, establishment of

Last updated: 8/28/2019 7:34 AM (EDT)