Commendations and Recognitions

14th Amendment and Civil Rights Act of 1964, protections of

2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games, honoring

Affirm protections of 14th Amendment, and Civil Rights Act of 1964

Appalachian Regional Healthcare, recognizing

Bank of Maysville, honoring

Barton-Collings, Nelda, honoring

Bracco, Dr. Howard, honoring and commending

Brewer, Reverend Jack, honoring

Carmeuse Group, The, commending and honoring

Castle Post, acknowledging and recognizing, charitable causes

Children's Tumor Foundation, recognizing

Harris, Janet, honoring

Hicks, Pat and Phyllis, honoring

Hinson, Reverend Dr. David, honoring

Hopkins County Central High School Air Force JROTC, honoring

Kentucky State Police Honor Guard, commending and congratulating

Lake Cumberland, Economic Security Plan, implementation of

Neurofibromatosis Awareness Month, proclaiming

Palmer, Linda, honoring

Palmer, Ralph J., honoring

Perry, Dr. Simon, honoring

Robinson, Dr. Samuel, honoring

Rowan County Middle School boys and girls soccer teams, honoring

Saint Augustine Catholic Church, recognizing

Staples, Harold, commending and congratulating

Sullivan, Senator William L., honoring

Taylor, Boyd F., honoring

United States Bill of Rights, support of

United States Constitution and Bill of Rights, women, supporting role of

Young, Colonel Charles, honoring, urging posthumous promotion

Young, Colonel Charles, honoring urging posthumous promotion

Last updated: 8/28/2019 7:28 AM (EDT)