Animals, Livestock, and Poultry

Animal control officers, animal abuse, entry on premises, probable cause for

Animal impoundment, animal care, bonding for

Assistance animal, types and use of

Board of Agriculture, Farm Bureau, CFA service on

Commissioner of Agriculture, clarication of duties

Cruelty to animals, forfeiture and ownership provisions

Department of Agriculture, proof of livestock surety bond

Department of Agriculture, USDA, urge livestock market monitoring

Dogs, cruelty to, shelter requirements

Dr. Robert C. Stout, commend for Veterinarian of Year Award

Drugs, sales and use tax, exemption from

Energy and Environment Cabinet, secretary, election of

Food production, honoring Kentucky farmers

Gender language, clarification of

Historic farms designation, eminent domain and zoning precedence

Historic farms, program to recognize, establishment

Intrastate produced goods, federal laws, federal jurisdiction, removal from

Livestock marketing issues, review of

Livestock seller's lien, creation of

Permits for regular elk quota hunt, require the department to issue no fewer than 750

Postseason elk quota hunt, require department to conduct

Quarantine, bees and appliances or materials, technical corrections for

Recognizing Don Harris, United States Equestrian Federation's lifetime achievement award recipient

Release of large species by state agencies, local approval required for

Robert N. Clay, honor for conservation award

State Board of Agriculture, membership of

Stockyards and buying stations, regulation of

Stockyards, regulation of

Stockyards, reporting of livestock received and sold

Veterinarians, animal abuse, reporting of

Veterinarians, cruelty reporting, cite applicable statutes

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:43 PM (EST)