Constitution, Ky.

21st Century Bill of Rights, constitutional amendment to create

Constable, amendment allowing legislative body of county to abolish office of

Freedom of religion, protection of

Gambling, no expansion without constitutional amendment

General Assembly, compensation for services, suspension of

General Assembly, sessions of, limit to 30 days each year

General Assembly, terms of members

Habeas Corpus, restoration of

Homestead exemption, verification of

Marriage, valid only between one man and one woman, repeal of constitutional provision

Office of Judge of County Court, members of fiscal court, elimination of in merged local governments

Office of Judge of County Court, not elected in merged county and city governments

Patriot Act, urge repeal and replacement of

Property tax, homestead exemption provisions of the Constitution

Right to hunt and fish, regulation of commercial activities, not to modify

Right to hunt, and harvest wildlife

Section 170, increase property tax homestead exemption

Sections 38, 39, and 43, General Assembly, powers granted to

Terms of office of General Assembly, amendment to increase

Terms of office of General Assembly, increase

Voting for felons, constitutional amendment to provide

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:43 PM (EST)