Public Officers and Employees

Cabinet secretaries, election of

Collective bargaining, granted

Compensation, pay time and a half for work on holidays due to snow or ice

Constable, constitutional amendment allowing county legislative body to abolish office of

Corrections officers of a consolidated local government, collective bargaining

County Employees Retirement System, agencies not required to participate in state health insurance

County officers with duties coextensive with Commonwealth, salary reductions, when prohibited

Death benefit after retirement, allow beneficiary to assign

Death benefit after retirement, assignment by beneficiary

Department of Corrections, inspector general, create office of

Department of Parks employees, traditional duties and functions not to be contracted out

Director of Division of Historic Properties, education, experience, and other requirements

Full-time state employees with status, promotional or reclassification of salaries

Furloughs, direct Governor to cease

Incompatible offices, clarify of

KEMI Board, not to confirm the appointment of Lawrence J. O'Bryan

KEMI Board, not to confirm the appointment of Marvin D. Russow

Legislators' Retirement Plan, restrict account consolidation with other state systems for new member

Local government, incompatible offices

Pilot wellness program, implementation of

Private documents of public interest

Privatization contracts, requirements for

Probate fees, estate of one killed in line of duty, exemption for

Public employees, collective bargaining, authorization

Retirement, close Legislators' Retirement Plan to new members and restrict account consolidation

Retirement, close of CERS to new members and establishment of funding provisions for CERS

Retirement, close of KERS, CERS, SPRS, LRP, and JRP to new members

Retirement, close of KERS, SPRS, LRP, and JRP to new members

Retirement, determination of final compensation for new hires on or after 9/1/08

Retirement, prohibition of second retirement account in KERS, CERS, SPRS, LRP, and JRP

Retirement, restriction of account consolidation in the Legislators' Retirement Plan

State death benefits, emergency responders in ambulances, eligiblity

State legislators, per diem reimbursements, Internet posting of

State-administered retirement systems, board term limits and restrictions

State-administered retirement systems, placement agent ban and board duties

Terms of office of General Assembly, amendment to increase

Training program for city officers

Urge Florida not to repeal its drug tracking statutes

Venue, civil action,, recovery of fine or forfeiture against public officer

Workers' Compensation Board, appointment of Franklin A. Stivers

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:43 PM (EST)