United States

Aliens, illegal, responsibility for

Congress, comprehensive immigration reform, urge passage of

Constitution, amendment to prevent corporate control of elections, support of

Elections, candidates for federal office, recanvass, recount

Exemption from federal law, firearms and ammunition made and used in Kentucky

Exemptions from federal law, firearms and ammunition made and used in Kentucky

Federal Mandates, U.S. Constitution

Firearms and ammunition made and used in Kentucky, exemption from federal law

Flag, display at Kentucky highways rest areas

Habeas Corpus, restoration of

Mental defective, relief from disability, State Police to report to FBI

Mint Police, U.S., state jurisdiction for

Patriot Act, urge repeal and replacement of

Presidential election by national popular vote, compact for

Unauthorized aliens, offenses relating to

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:43 PM (EST)