Animals, Livestock, and Poultry

Agricultrial Development Board, confirmation, Samuel E. Moore

Agricultural districts, five acre limitation, inclusion of

Agricultural districts, small parcels, inclusion in

Agritourism, promotion of

Animal care advice, provisions for

Animal health issues, exemptions, provisions for

Bed and breakfast establishment, definition, clarification of

Bovine assessments, administration of

Catfish, labeling of, requirements for

Cruelty to animals, forfeiture and ownership provisions

Dedden, Matthew, honor as cutting horse champion

Domestic violence, care and custody of pets

Elk quota hunt permits, physical randomized drawing for

Equine production inputs including on-farm facilities, exempt from sales and use tax

Equine production inputs including on-farm facilities, sales and use tax, exemption from

Fair Labor Standards Act, youth farm labor exemptions

Family farms, program to recognize

Farmstays, farm animal activity sponsor, inclusion under definition for

Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act, protection of habitat, commemorating

Fish and Wildlife Commission, 100 year anniversary, honoring

Food production, honoring Kentucky farmers

Horse contracts and agreements, clarify

Importation, possession, or transportation of wild or feral pigs, prohibition on, penalties

Kentucky quarter horse, appaloosa, and Arabian purse fund

Limited cooperative associations, establishment of

Limited Cooperative Associations, uniform law, grammatical corrections for

Livestock and poultry ownership and use, affirmation of individual rights

Livestock and poultry ownership, individual rights, confirmation of

Livestock seller's lien

Livestock seller's lien, livestock definition

Postseason elk quota hunt, Fish and Wildlife Resources to conduct

Postseason elk quota hunt, permits to be evenly distributed only to counties in elk restoration zone

Postseason elk quota hunt, requirements for

Raw milk, sales of at farm location

Release of all members of the family Suidae, prohibition on, penalties

Retail, animal products, sale of

Sales and use tax, livestock and eQuine drugs, exemption

Scott, Arlie, memorializing, agriculture, university service

Stockyards and buying stations, regulation of

Torture of an animal, crime of

Veterinarian procedures, revisions to

Veterinary law, exemptions to

Veterinary practice, pharmacists, exemption from

Wild hog, release of prohibited, penalty

Wild pigs, urge study on growth and impact of

Last updated: 8/27/2019 8:05 PM (EDT)