State Employees

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, licensed social workers, requirement to employ

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, require to employ licensed social workers

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, social service worker caseloads

Career and technical education employees, transfer of

High school diploma or equivalent, sufficiency for employment

High school diploma or equivalent, sufficiency for promotion whether or not school is accredited

High school diploma requirement for employment or promotion, conditions for meeting

Job sharing program for state employees, Personnel Cabinet study of

Judicial Branch Budget

Pilot wellness program, implementation of

Plant based diet, nutrition, improvement of

Plant-based diet program, urge support

Probation for public employee or officer convicted of corruption, prohibition of

Promotional or reclassification of salaries

Requirement of high school diploma, condition for

Retirement, application of previous retiree health benefits to members participating before 1/1/04

Retirement, disability approval process for members applying on or after August 1, 2012

State parks, full-time employees, reduction of work-week hours

State/Executive Branch Budget

Unclassified employees, removal of

Verification of immigration status, public contracts and public agencies

Last updated: 8/27/2019 8:05 PM (EDT)