Taxation, Income--Individual

Adjust rates, expand taxable base, provide for earned income credit

Airport noise levels, tax credit for sound insulation

Angel investor tax credit program, create

Angel investor tax credit program, technical corrections

Charitable health care, income tax deduction for

Community rehabilitation tax credit, tax periods after January 1, 2013

Conservation easements, tax credit for

Credit against tax for contribution to a school tuition organization

Distilled spirits credit, establish

Environmental remediation property, tax credit for buildings on

Estimated tax penalty, amendment to mimic federal calculation

Firefighters, volunteer, income tax credit for

Food banks, income tax checkoff for

Great Schools Tax Credit Program, tax years beginning after December 31, 2012

Incentives, expand for alternative fuels production and storage

Interest calculation for tax overpayments and underpayments, modification of

Job stimulus credit, creation of

Local occupational license fees, credit for city fees against county fees

Local taxation of business, standardized tax return forms

Make technical correction

Metropolitan College tax credit, expansion and removal of sunset provision

Natural gas, liquefied or compressed, as vehicle fuel, tax incentives

New markets credit, increase credit cap and modify terms

New markets credit, modification of calculation of interest payments

Organ donation, tax credit established for promotion of

Public financing for Supreme Court judicial campaigns, create tax refund designation for

Refund checkoff for food banks

Tax amnesty, additional cost-of-collection fee

Tax Amnesty, additional cost-of-collection fee

Tax amnesty, liability of officers, information on licensees

Tax reform, modification to lower rates and expand the tax base

Trusts and estates, administration of, probate matters

Tuition assistance tax credit, for tax periods beginning on or after December 31, 2012

Wellness project credit, establish

Last updated: 8/27/2019 8:05 PM (EDT)