Civil Rights

Abortion, informed consent requirement

Abortion, prohibition at 20 weeks of fetal development

Abortion, ultrasound requirements

Age restrictions for police and fire in certain local governments, removal of

Anti-Bullying Month, October designation of

Antismoking laws and ordinances, effect of

Consolidated local government, minority citizens, employment in

Drone surveillance by law enforcement, prohibitions and requirements for

Eminent domain, valuation of contiguous parcels

Foreign law, application of, protection of rights

GPS monitoring, warrant requirement for

Pardon Board, proposed creation of

Public assistance, substance abuse screening

Redistricting plans, constitutional amendment prohibiting denial of equal protection in

Religious freedom, protection of

Sex, race, or national origin, wage discrimination prohibited

Sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination, prohibition of

Sexual orientation and gender identity, prohibition of discrimination

Underground railroad, Wentworth Lime Cave, preservation of, urging

Underground Railroad, Wentworth Lime Cave, preservation of, urging

Last updated: 8/27/2019 7:53 PM (EDT)