Fish and Wildlife

Boating access restrictions, Cumberland River, USACE, request removal of

Boating safety, electric shock drowning prevention, marina requirements for

Catfish, commercial anglers, pay lakes, department regulation for

Coal combustion residuals, disposal, ground water monitoring, regulation of

Concurrent jurisdiction, lands of the Interior located in Kentucky, criminal enforcement for

Coyote, hunting at night, artificial light, authorization to

Coyotes, population control, year-round open season for

Crossbow, archery season, use of

Donated processed wildlife, sale of

Fish and Wildlife Resources Commission, confirmation, Jimmy Bevins

Fish and Wildlife Resources Commission, confirmation, Stephen M. Glenn

Fish and Wildlife Resources Commission, confirmation, Terry K. Teitloff

Hunting and fishing, restructuring of certain licenses and permits

Illegally taken white-tailed deer, elk, bears, turkeys, and bobcats, enhanced restitution value of

Kentucky Heritage Land Trust Board, private land trust organizations, public grants to

Mounted wildlife specimens, Department of Fish & Wildlife, regulations for

Multi-year hunting and fishing licenses and permits, allow regulations establishing

Sales of mounted wildlife specimens, administrative regulations allowing

Sand and gravel operations, in stream removal, requirements for

Senior/disabled hunting and fishing license, qualifications for, disability insurance beneficiaries

State waterfowl stamp, commission painting for, repeal

TMDL development, Web site information and public notice, requirements for

Last updated: 8/27/2019 7:53 PM (EDT)