Public Officers and Employees

American-made uniforms and safety equipment, acquisition requirement

Campaign finance reporting exemptions, increase amount

Consolidated local government, ethics code, provision of legal representation, prohibition

Constable, constitutional amendment allowing county legislative body to abolish office of

Constables, peace officer status, removal of

Court security, increase sheriff's compensation to $12 per hour

Election of statewide constitutional offices, change to even-numbered year

Fiscal Court members, interlocal agreement training

Jail officer, complaint against, required procedure

Legal and tax operations, inclusion of consolidated local and urban-county governments within

Legislator as expert witness before a state agency, authorization for medical professionals

Legislators, discontinue retirement benefits for new members

Legislators' Retirement Plan, account consolidation with other state systems, restriction of

Legislators' Retirement Plan, current members, account consolidation for, opt-out provision for

Legislators' Retirement Plan, new members, account consolidation for, restrictions against

Legislators' Retirement Plan, restrict account consolidation with other state systems

Police and fire employment prohibitions based on age, removal of

Retirement, hybrid cash balance plan for new KRS members effective 7/1/2013

Retirement, allow onetime opt-out for members of the state-administered retirement plans

Retirement, benefits for new legislators, discontinuance of

Retirement, close Legislators' Retirement Plan to new members and restrict account consolidation

Retirement, closing of Legislators' Retirement Plan to new entrants and establishment of new plan

Retirement, discontinue benefits for new legislators and allow opt-out for current legislators

Retirement, housekeeping bill for Kentucky Retirement Systems

Retirement, limit health reimbursement paid to CERS by school districts for reemployed retirees

Retirement, opt-out for current legislators, allowance of

Retirement, pension reform for KERS, CERS, and SPRS

Retirement, Pension Reform Measures

Retirement, public agencies allowed to cease participation in state retirement systems for new hires

Retirement, require state retirement systems to disclose retirement account information

State employee compensation fund, establishment and funding

Teachers, retirement systems housekeeping bill

Wage discrimination, prohibited on basis of sex, race, or national origin

Last updated: 8/27/2019 7:53 PM (EDT)