Secretary of State

Address confidentiality program, expansion, allow for

Business entities, changes to operational provisions of authorizing statutes

Business identification numbers, consolidation of various to a single standardized

Campaign finance reporting exemptions, increase amount

Charitable organizations, financial reports filed by

Constitutional amendment, General Assembly, compensation suspended

Crime victim address protection program, creation of

Elections, absentee ballot applications, prevent disclosure until after election

Elections, absentee ballots, voters with injury, illness, or other disabling condition

Elections, candidate filing fees, refund or waiver following redistricting or reapportionment

Elections, early voting, Early voting, establishment of process

Elections, electronic return of voted absentee ballots

Elections, various changes to

Electronic voting systems receiving voted electronic ballots, certification of

Identification Numbers, consolidation of numbers with various state agencies

Lists of cast absentee ballots, prevent disclosure until after election

Local option elections, petition requirements, day of election, primary or regular election

Military and Overseas Voting Assistance Task Force, creation of

Redistricting, House district numbering, changes to

Redistricting, representative districts, statewide plan

Redistricting, standards, constitutional amendment

Reorganization, Office of Secretary of State, Executive Order 2012-01

Time of election, move to even-numbered year

Last updated: 8/27/2019 7:53 PM (EDT)