Traffic Safety

Cell phone while driving violation by minors, penalty points

Child booster seats, age and size requirements

DUI, penalties imposed

DUI service fee, amount and usage of

Ignition interlocks, usage of

Intersections with inoperable traffic signals, treat as four-way stops

Intrastate motor carriers, federal safety regulations, exemption from

Mini-trucks, establish exemptions allowing the operation of

Mini-trucks, operation on roadways with a posted speed limit of 45 mph

Motor carrier safety training, annual requirement for

Motor vehicle operators, entering or crossing at steady red light, affirmative defense

Motorcycle operators, entering or crossing at steady red light, affirmative defense

Natural gas vehicles, safety inspections of

School bus drivers, annual physical requirement

Texting while driving violations, penalty points

Vehicle headlamps, require use during periods of precipitation

Vulnerable users of a public roadway, penalties for serious physical injury or death of

Last updated: 8/27/2019 7:53 PM (EDT)