Last Action | to Judiciary (H) |
Title | AN ACT relating to mental health. |
Bill Documents |
Bill Request Number | 1409 |
Sponsor | G. Watkins |
Summary of Original Version | Amend KRS 202A.051 to require that a District Court consult with a family member or peace officer during proceedings for involuntary hospitalization; amend KRS 202A.171 to require that an authorizing physician consult with a family member and the District Court prior to discharge from involuntary hospitalization; amend KRS 202A.081 to require that all involuntarily hospitalized patients are ordered to receive community-based outpatient treatment for at least 6 months after release or discharge; amend KRS 205.560 to require that services provided by a qualified mental health professional are among those the Advisory Council for Medical Assistance recommends to the secretary of CHFS for coverage; create a new section of KRS Chapter 527 to prohibit an individual who has been involuntarily hospitalized from purchasing or possessing a firearm, making it a Class A misdemeanor; amend KRS 237.104 to include those who have been involuntarily hospitalized among those who are excluded from the provision regarding firearms during a disaster or emergency. |
Index Headings of Original Version |
Courts, District - Involuntary hospitalization, courts required to be consulted prior to discharge Courts, District - Involuntary hospitalization, courts required to consult with family and peace officers Courts, District - Outpatient treatment, ability of a court to order expanded Crimes and Punishments - Firearm possession, prohibition for involuntarily hospitalized Firearms and Weapons - Firearm possession, prohibition for involuntarily hospitalized Mental Health - Firearm possession, prohibition for involuntarily hospitalized Mental Health - Involuntary hospitalization, courts required to consult family members and peace officers Mental Health - Outpatient treatment, orders for involuntarily hospitalized, mandate for Peace Officers and Law Enforcement - Involuntary hospitalization, courts required to consult with peace officers prior to Medicaid - Mental health services, consideration of coverage expanded |
02/14/13 |
02/15/13 |
Last updated: 8/27/2019 7:53 PM (EDT)