Banks and Financial Institutions

Bank-owned life insurance, local government premium tax, authorize and limit

Consumer loan companies, original principal, maximum charges determined by

Consumer Loan Companies, original principal, maximum charges determined by

Foreclosure, time period for real property redemption, reduction from one year to six months

Foreclosure, redemption by defendant, payment of reasonable costs by defendant

Glass-Steagall legislation, urge Congress to enact

Interest rate reduction, original mortgage to secure payment, authorize

Liens against real property, procedure to enforce lien, clarify

Mortgage loan continuing education, reduce number of hours required per year

Mortgage, loan modification resulting in a lower interest rate, secured

Mortgage, loan modification securing payment, delete

Mortgage loan processors, exempt from registration requirement if supervised by loan originator

Mortgage loan processors, retain registration requirement for independent contractors

Mortgage, renewals and extensions of loan, authorize continuation

Nonprofit Corporation Act, adoption of

Nonprofit LLC, provide for the creation and administration

Officers or directors, clarify that may be male or female

Public assistance benefits, prohibited purchases

Revolving credit plans, limitation of action, exemptions

Right of redemption, sale pursuant to a court order, purchaser, costs to be recouped by

Right of redemption, sale pursuant to a judgment or order of a court, time period of

Underwriters of mortgage loans, require registration of independent contractors

Uniform Trust Code, adoption of

Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act, adoption of

Last updated: 8/27/2019 6:52 PM (EDT)