
Bar association, rules and regulations pertaining to

City classification system reform

Conditions of supervision, option of alcohol monitoring device

Conditions of supervision, option of continuous alcohol monitoring

Constitutional amendment, Chief Justice to have redistricting duty

Costs, local governments, not responsible for expenses

County attorney traffic school program, fees in lieu of court costs

Court ordered treatment, alcohol and other drug abuse

Court process, service through Secretary of State

Death penalty costs, creation of task force

Death penalty, replace with life imprisonment without parole

Domestic violence, coverage of dating couples

Domestic violence proceedings, extension to dating couples

Elections, voter identification, omnibus bill on

Expert physician witnesses, expert witness certificate program, creation

Expunge charge or conviction, result of human trafficking

Expunged criminal records, allow inspection when required by federal or state law or regulation

Expungement and criminal records; eligibility, process, standards, and protections

Expungement and criminal records, eligibility, process, standards, and protections

Expungement and criminal records; eligibility, process, standards, and protections

Expungement of records, criminal history

Expungements, alter requirements for

Fines, violation of abortion informed consent law

Foster care review board, notice of review, establish

Funds recovered through judgment or settlement, statewide constitutional officers to notify court

Grandparent visitation, establishment of

Judicial branch budget

Judicial Branch Budget

Judicial Branch Budget, court operations and administration

Judicial redistricting, requirements relating to

Juvenile justice system, reform of

Juvenile court files, clarification of DPA access to

Legislative Advisory Reapportionment and Redistricting Commission, establishment of

Nonprofit Corporation Act, adoption of

Nonprofit LLC, provide for the creation and administration

Parental rights, loss of, felony conviction

Personnel, direction for implementation of budget reduction measures

Possession of controlled substances, mandatory drug treatment and community service

Primary filing deadlines, change date to end of December

Protective orders, review conditions regarding students

Protective orders, stalking

Records of minors, release to public defender without formal court order

Remove dependency, neglect, and abuse cases and termination of parental rights cases from project

Report violations of informed consent law to Board of Medical Licensure

Restraining order, victim of sex offense, issuance of

Salaries of judges, constitutional amendment establishing commission to set

Search warrants, electronic application and issuance

Sexual assault or abuse, civil statute of limitations for

Sexual offense defendant, when HIV testing required

Thirty-sixth Judicial Circuit, new judgeship created in

Traffic violations, minors, presence of parent or guardian when adjudicating, requirement of

Trespass, simplified remedy for elderly and vulnerable

Uniform Trust Code, adoption of

Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act, adoption of

Youthful offender sentencing and treatment, applicability of violent offender sentencing

Last updated: 8/27/2019 6:52 PM (EDT)