Fish and Wildlife

Alcoholic beverages, consumption by passengers on waterways

Annual Fish and Wildlife report to LRC on enforcement officer hospitality training, requirement of

Bees and hives, inclusion in livestock and poultry disease control disposal protocols

Boating flag for medical emergencies, require Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources to sell

Boating law enforcement, provisions relating to

Boating law enforcement, reasonable suspicion required for officer to board boat

Boating law enforcement, reasonable suspicion required to stop or enter upon boat

Boating safety, electric shock drowning prevention, marina requirements for

Coal combustion residuals, disposal, ground water monitoring, regulation of

Commission member nominations, sportsmen, no change in method for

Conservation officers, State Police command and control of

Coyotes, hunting at night, enhanced penalties for hunting without landowner permission

Donation of game meat for free meal distribution, prohibit restriction on

Endangered or threatened plant species, taking, prohibition against and penalty for

Fish and Wildlife Resources Commission, appointed members of, open and nondiscriminatory access to

Fish and Wildlife Resources Commission, clarify affect of openness requirements

Fish and Wildlife Resources Commission, confirmation of reappointment of James R. Angel

Hunting and fishing on own farmlands, residents only, requirement for

Hunting dogs, hunting and training at night at any time of year, requirements

Kentucky River Authority, membership, requirements for

License or permit applicants, voter registration, information on procedures

Service monkey, adult living with paralysis

State/Executive Branch Budget

Taking rare and endangered plants, clarification of types of property affected

Toyoda Gosei Afforestation Project Event, commemoration of

Wildlife on farmlands, hunting and trapping of

Last updated: 8/27/2019 6:52 PM (EDT)