Probation and Parole

Conditions of supervision, option of alcohol monitoring device

Conditions of supervision, option of continuous alcohol monitoring

Controlled substances, penalties and protocols relating to

Federal Probationers, identification documents, issuance of

Federal probationers, state identification documents, issuance of

Heroin trafficking, penalties and release authority relating to

Inmates, transfers to secure health facilities for treatment of specified conditions

Medical parole, prisoners with substantial or chronic conditions, provision for

Orders for parole, victim request for review by Governor

Overdoses, Good Samaritan immunity for reporting of

Parole Board, confirmation of Lelia A. VanHoose

Parole Board, confirmation of Sharon L. Hardesty

Persistent offenders, life without parole

Probation and parole officer supervision levels, establishment of maximum number of supervisees

Probation for public employee or officer convicted of corruption, prohibit

Shock probation, prohibit, DUI death

State/Executive Branch Budget

Youthful offender sentencing and treatment, applicability of violent offender sentencing

Last updated: 8/27/2019 6:52 PM (EDT)