Budget and Financial Administration

Budget Reform Task Force, LRC to establish

Claims against the Commonwealth, appropriate funds for

Constitutional amendment, General Assembly, compensation suspended

County clerk, fiscal court approval deadline

County jail restricted fund, establishment and funding

Disabled veteran-owned business certification program, creation of

Executive Branch and Transportation Cabinet budgets, amendment of

Executive Branch budget bill, 2014-2016, amending

Fuel tax, revenue sharing exclusion, elimination

General fund-supported debt limitations, establish

Housing, Buildings and Construction, transfer of certain fees to general fund, prohibit

KEES, dual credit expenditures, designation as necessary governmental expense

Kentucky Asset Liability Commission, authorization for funding notes for KTRS

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, authorize debt service for funding notes

Local government economic assistance fund, county distribution adjustments

Motor fuel tax, local revenue sharing formula, revisions

Municipal and county road aid, fuel tax revenue allotment, increase

Natural resources severance and processing tax, application of refunds

Performance-based and outcomes-based funding, public postsecondary education institutions

Performance-based funding, public postsecondary education institutions

Postsecondary education, capital project

Postsecondary education institutions, base operating appropriations, matching funds to come from

Procurement by state and local agencies, prohibit contracting with delinquent taxpayers

Public-private partnerships, provide for use thereof by state government

Roll call vote, requirement for

Sheriffs, limitation on expenditures in last year of term

State/Executive Branch Budget, amendment of

State/Executive Branch Budget, capital projects, amendment of

Substance abuse treatment programs, appropriations

United States Constitution, Article V convention on balanced federal budget, call for

United States Constitution, Article V convention on restraining federal government, call for

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:10 PM (EST)