Jails and Jailers

Arrest-related deaths, coroner investigation

Capital sentencing system, omnibus revisions to

Communicable diseases, require that jail employees receive training on

County jail restricted fund, establishment and funding

Day reporting centers, usage of

DNA, sample collection at arraignment, requirement for

Guardianship, Custodianship, Civil Commitment, and Mental Competency Task Force, create

Guardianship, Custodianship, Civil Commitment, and Mental Competency Task Force, creation of

Healthcare services, inmates, authorized providers

Healthcare services, inmates, who may provide

Inmates, county jails, sentence credits

Inmates, state prisoners, payment for

Inspection reports, ensure proper reporting

Jailer compensation, delete performance references.

Medical treatment, release for, allow for state prisoners in local jails

Office of jailer, consolidated with sheriff

Officers with duties coextensive with the state, salary resulting from change in county population


Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:10 PM (EST)