Labor and Industry

Apprenticeship, small business tax credit

Area development districts, require information sharing

Cities with less than 8,000 people, exempt from minimum wage increase for emergency personnel

Department of Workers' Claims, confirmation, Stephanie L. Kinney

Department of Workers' Claims, confirmation, Udell B. Levy

Employers, prohibit discrimination and require notices for pregnancy and related conditions

Firefighters, workers' compensation, presumption of cancer as occupational disease

Kentucky Retirement Account, private employer/employee deferred compensation program

Kentucky Workers' Compensation Board, confirmation, Franklin A. Stivers

Kentucky workforce investment, study of

KFC, celebration of

Labor organization, mandatory membership or financial support prohibited, penalty

Local entity authority to set minimum wage in excess of state minimum

Local option sales and use tax projects, exempt from prevailing wage

Military spouses, unemployment disqualification, elimination

Misclassification of employees, construction industry

Misclassification of employees, violation

Offender employment and licensure, requirements applying to

Place of employment, statewide indoor smoking prohibition, exceptions

Putting Veterans to Work Initiative, recognition of

Schools, prevailing wage, elimination of

Sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination, prohibition of

Sexual orientation and gender identity, prohibition of discrimination

State minimum wage, increase

Technical corrections

TVA in-lieu-of-tax payments, direction to economic development activities

Unemployment compensation for workers displaced by military relocation or domestic violence

Unemployment insurance for seasonal/on recall employees

Voluntary Veterans' Preference Employment Policy Act, establishing

Wage discrimination, prohibited on basis of sex, race, or national origin

Workers' Compensation Funding Commission board of directors

Workers' compensation, attorneys' fees, disability awards

Workers' compensation employee exemption, delete caretakers of churches

Workers' compensation employee exemption, include certain ministers and caretakers of churches

Workers' compensation, exemption from for ministers of certain churches or religious organizations

Workers' compensation, expiration of special fund assessment

Workers' compensation, expiration of the special fund assessment

Workers' Compensation Funding Commission

Workers' Compensation Funding Commission and special fund, funding, appointments, and settlements

Workers' Compensation Funding Commission, funding and appointments

Workers' compensation, rate for special fund assessment

Workers' Compensation, rate for special fund assessment

Workers' compensation, various amendments to KRS Chapter 342

Workforce Investment Act and Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

Workforce Investment local boards, audits, information-sharing

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:10 PM (EST)